Popular Meanings (131)

Meaning of Presumption

Presumptuousness is the act of assuming, that is, drawing a conclusion based on clues, hints or appearances. Etymologically, the term "presumptuousness" originated from the Latin praesumptionis, which...

meaning of avohai

Avohai is a neologism created by the Brazilian singer and composer Zé Ramalho, and consists of the agglutination of the words “grandfather” and “father”. According to the story published in the artist's biography –...

Meaning of Environmental Education

Environmental education is an area of ​​education aimed at raising the awareness of individuals about the environmental problems and how to help combat them, conserving natural reserves and not polluting the quite...

Two Weights and Two Measures: Understand What It Means and Its Biblical Origin

Two weights and two measures is a popular expression used to indicate an unfair and dishonest act, something done in a partial way. It is usually related to similar situations that are dealt with...

Definition of Elbow Pain

Elbow pain is a popular expression that means sadness, disappointment, frustration, strong moral depression (ditch). The expression "elbow pain" is used to demonstrate a moment of sadness for if...

Meaning of Effective

Effective is what is in force, that is, what is taking place, what is current and contemporary. Example: “The minimum wage in Brazil is R$788.00” or “According to current laws,...

Meaning of Guarantee

Aval is a masculine noun that means a guarantee given by a third party for the payment of a bill of exchange, of which he is neither a drawer, nor an acceptor, nor an endorser. In the figurative sense, an endorsement can be a...

Definition of Omega

Omega is the name of the last letter of the Greek alphabet (the twenty-fourth). The term omega has the meaning of “end” when used associated with the first letter of the Greek alphabet “alpha”, for example,...

Definition of Zygote

Zygote or Egg is the diploid cell resulting from the union of the nuclei of two mutually compatible cells. It is the product of sexual reproduction. In animals, the zygote is called the egg and results from the union...

Definition of Lethargy

Lethargy is a state of unconsciousness, where the person appears to be in deep sleep and totally loses the ability to respond to external stimuli. Lethargy can also be considered a...

Definition of Trustee

Trustee is a legal term used to designate an individual to whom the court trusts an asset during a proceeding. It is the responsibility of the trustee to ensure the conservation of the property, under penalty...

meaning of psyche

Psyche is the Greek word psykhé that is used to describe the soul or spirit. It's also a word related to psychology, and it started to be used with the connotation of mind or ego...

Definition of solid waste

Solid waste is all materials that result from human activities and that can often be used both for recycling and for reuse. The name "waste...

Definition of organic law

The organic law acts as a Municipal Constitution, being considered the most important law governing municipalities and the Federal District. Each Brazilian municipality can determine its own laws...

6 Examples of Ambiguity

Ambiguity is the characteristic of a word, expression or phrase that has a double meaning or that creates doubt as to its meaning. Ambiguity can be lexical or structural. It's lexical when the...

Popular Meanings (103)

meaning of totemTotem means the sacred symbol adopted as an emblem by tribes or clans because the...

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Popular Meanings (104)

Meaning of SearaSeara means a sown field, or it can be interpreted as a reference to cereals that...

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Latest Meanings (104)

meaning of jubileeJubilee is a plenary indulgence (full remission of temporal punishments, pardon...

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