Urbe is a synonym for city. It is a population agglomeration where a series of social, commercial, cultural, administrative, educational exchanges occur, among others, located in a certain space...
Polyphony is the multiplicity of different sounds played in rhythm harmony. Polyphonic sounds are the opposite of monophonic ones, which are characterized by playing only one voice or instrument...
Oppressing is means exerting pressure on something or someone, with the intention of reducing. It is an indirect transitive verb that comes from the Latin term opprimere. Op is the same as the ob prefix, and means over or...
Prospect refers to the condition of something that can happen, that is likely to happen. In addition to representing the character of what has future prospects, the word prospect can also be...
Suddenly is an adverb in Portuguese, used to refer to something or something that happened suddenly, instantaneously or suddenly. When it is said that something happened suddenly,...
A curb is the edge of the sidewalk, which marks the gap between the pedestrian sidewalk and the pavement where cars pass. It is a construction usually formed by a row of concrete blocks or...
Consideration is a feminine noun meaning the act or effect of considering. By considering we mean both the action of reflecting on something, or having respect for a person. Example: "I have a lot...
Fearless is an adjective that qualifies something or someone as courageous, fearless, that is, a brave person. When it says that a certain individual is known to be fearless, it means that...
Legal is what is within the law, in the formal sense, or what is positive, in its colloquial use. The adjective legal has its origin in the Latin word legalis, which is related to law (from the Latin Lex)...
Possessive comes from the Latin possessivus, and is what has a feeling or desire to possess someone or something. The word possessive is a masculine adjective, as in "possessive man". And also a...
Malicious is someone or something that possesses, acts or thinks with malice. Malicious is both an adjective and a masculine noun. As an adjective, it is the quality of what you think or act as an act of...
Tritongo is the meeting of three vowels in the same syllable. The word is formed by the prefix tri, which means three, and tongo comes from the Greek phthongos which is the same as tom or sound, and therefore tritongo means...
Fosse is an inflection of the verbs to go, to be and to fossar. In the sense of going, it is the action of moving from one point to another in a past and unfinished situation. When being conjugated, it appears in the first and...
Spontaneity is the condition of something or someone who is spontaneous, that is, who acts in a natural, true and simple way. Some people have doubts about the correct spelling of this word: spontaneity...
On top is an adverbial phrase and means that something is in a superior position, at the top. It can be used to locate things, like in "I bought a picture to put on the sofa". Or indication...