- September 11 attack
- Terrorists
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September 11 attack
in the morning of the day September 11, 2001, the world watched in amazement the biggest terrorist attack of all time. The attack on the towers of World Trade Center and to Pentagon per Islamic radicals crumbled the image of an unbeatable and omnipotent United States, the most powerful world power was taken by surprise. The terrorists' synchronized actions caused panic not only among Americans but also throughout the Western community.
Terrorist actions were initiated after the hijacking of four airliners, each one already had a pre-established target, nineteen hijackers were on board the flights. The event's real-time broadcasts of the event to televisions around the world heightened the consternation surrounding the attacks, about three thousand people died that day.
Of the four planes, three hit their targets: two collided with the twin towers, symbol of power United States and one was launched against the Pentagon, seat of political-military power North American. United Airlines' fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers and crew clashed with terrorists in an attempt to regain control of the flight.

The north tower was the first to be hit around 8:45 in the morning, people at first believed it was an accident, after the collision the people who were in the south tower received an emergency alert to evacuate the building, but building security in an attempt to contain the panic asked everyone to return to work and made it clear that everyone was insurance.
A few minutes later at 9:03 another plane would be used as a weapon to hit the south tower, all the people on the floors above from the impact point in the north tower died, some people in the south tower managed to survive thanks to a ladder that remained. intact. Broadcast images of people waving from the windows of affected buildings in the hope that they would be rescued added to the scene of terror surrounding the event.
September 11 exposed the fragility of the security system at airports and airspace American, the greatest representative of world power since the end of the Cold War showed the world that it was unbeatable. To reverse this situation, the United States began a veritable hunt for the person responsible for the attacks and, by all indications, the Islamic fundamentalist group al-Qaeda, led by the Saudi millionaire Osama bin Laden, would be the protagonist of the actions.
Islamic fundamentalism is an ideological current of a religious nature that seeks to guide all aspects of society, including politics, based on its sacred book: the Koran. The constant socio-political crises in the Middle East have made the region a fertile ground for the propagation of fundamentalist groups.
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The US alliance with Israel and its interventionist policy have contributed to the rise of hatred of radical groups in relation to the Americans and to anyone who showed support for them, thus, the West becomes the main target of the fundamentalists, they make terrorist attacks a means of instilling fear and respect on the regime's collaborators represented by the North Americans. The assistance actions of these Islamic groups facilitate the recruitment of new members for the terrorist organizations.
Right after the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attacks, the organization was created by Osama bin Laden during the invasion of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. At first, al Qaeda intended to expel soldiers from the Soviet Union, who invaded the country in an attempt to implement the communism in the region, this event had the support of the United States for the Afghan troops. Bin Laden received CIA training and support to fight the Russians.
When the United States invaded Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War and installed military bases in the Middle East, bin Laden felt threatened by starting a campaign against interference North-American. Osama's attitude led the Saudi king to expel him from Saudi Arabia, the fact marked the beginning of a intense ideological campaign against the United States that would unleash a series of attacks initiated in 1992.

Osama bin Laden sought refuge in Sudan and set up his military base there, starting a wave of attacks against the United States, the first to gaining worldwide repercussion occurred in 1993 when terrorists linked to him blew up a bomb in the World Trade Center leaving six victims fatal.
The next attack took place in the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with the explosion of a car bomb, this event would motivate the Sudanese government to expel bin Laden from its territory, this time the terrorist would find shelter in Afghanistan and gain the support of the Taliban terrorist group, sympathetic to the fundamentalist ideology spread by Osama.
The al-Qaeda leader held the United States responsible for all the problems facing the Muslims, for him the extermination of the greatest world power would mean the end of oppressive regimes Westerners.
In 1998, terrorist attacks against US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania resulted in the counter-offensive by forces. US military that tried to neutralize bin Laden by bombing the terrorist organization's training camps. The retaliation had no effect and made room for planning the most audacious terrorist attack in world history: the terrorist attacks on September 11th.
Osama Bin Laden achieved his goal, demonstrated through his attacks that the American nation was not invincible, the episode would earn him the status of most wanted man on the planet. The United States started a real war on terrorism with the support of the British government.
The Afghan government accused of harboring the terrorist was invaded by American and British troops, the war it aimed to capture bin Laden and free the cities from the government instituted by the fundamentalists of the Taliban group. Supported by the UN, the United States appointed a new government for Afghanistan, but the measure was not able to resolve the conflicts spread throughout the country.
The high cost of the war on terror would leave states in a financial crisis situation previously experienced only by the economic crisis of 1929. With the end of the government of George W. Bush and the beginning of President Barack Obama's government, military troops were gradually being withdrawn from Afghanistan.
On May 1, 2011, Obama announced that Osama Bin Laden had been captured and killed by a US Navy special force in the city of Abbottabad, near Islamabad, the capital of the Pakistan. According to the American president the terrorist's body was thrown overboard, photos of bin Laden after his death never were publicized, this strategy was adopted in an attempt to avoid a rebellion led by the followers of Osama.
Lorena Castro Alves
Graduated in History and Pedagogy
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