Bone Tissue Exercises

O bone tissue is the main constituent of bones that form our skeleton and, like muscle tissue, support our body.

We prepare a bone tissue exercise list so you can test your knowledge of the tissue that makes up our skeleton.

You can consult the template and save this exercise list in PDF at the end of the post, enjoy!

Bone Tissue Exercises

1) (UEMS) Indicate the alternative that correctly refers to the bone tissue:

a) connective tissue with calcified matrix composed of organic fibers and inorganic salts; vascularized.
b) tissue of mesodermal origin, avascular; its cells, the chondroblasts, produce abundant intercellular material.
c) consisting of rounded cells, with a nucleus and a large part of the cytoplasm restricted to their periphery by the accumulation of fat.
d) consisting of elongated, multinucleated cells, surrounded by a connective tissue sheath; it has a mesodermal origin.
e) it can be embryonically derived from ectoderm, mesoderm or endoderm and, with some exceptions, it is vascular.

2) (FUVEST) Have (or have) hematopoietic function:

a) the parotid glands.
b) the cavities of the heart.
c) the liver and pancreas.
d) the brain and the cerebellum.
e) the red marrow of the bones.

3) (UNIRIO) “Oteoporosis is the most common of all bone diseases in adults, especially in old age. It is estimated that 5.5 million Brazilians suffer from this disease, responsible for 1 million registered cases of fractures, 50% of which in the spine. Until November 2003, the drugs used in Brazil to combat osteoporosis had the objective of reducing the activity of cells responsible for the destruction of the bone matrix. From this date onwards, a new drug that acts by stimulating bone reconstitution was made available to the patient.” (Adapted: Revista Veja, 2003)

This new drug has the following function:

a) increase the number of osteoblasts, reducing the metabolic disproportion between osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
b) stimulate the production of parathyroid hormone, decreasing the action of osteoblasts.
c) increase osteoclast metabolism, decreasing bone demineralization.
d) inhibit the production of calcitonin, the hormone responsible for the deposition of calcium in the bone matrix.
e) decrease the metabolism of osteoblasts responsible for the destruction of bone matrix.

4) (UEL) The bone, despite its apparent hardness, is considered a plastic tissue, due to the constant renewal of its matrix. Using this property, orthodontists correct the positions of the teeth, orthopedists guide the fracture consolidations and physical therapists correct bone defects resulting from inappropriate postures. The bone matrix has an organic protein part made up mainly of collagen and an inorganic part made up of calcium phosphate crystals, in the form of hydroxyapatite.

Based on the text and knowledge about bone tissue, it is correct to state:

a) the bone matrix has a plasticity character due to the presence of a large amount of water associated with hydroxyapatite crystals.
b) the plasticity of the bone tissue is the result of the resorption capacity and the synthesis of new organic matrix by the bone cells.
c) bone tissue is considered plastic due to the gelatinous consistency of the collagen protein, which gives it high compressibility.
d) the plasticity of the bone tissue, due to the replacement of collagen, increases progressively throughout an individual's life.
e) the bone matrix is ​​called plastic because bones are the most lasting traces that remain after the individual's death.

5) (UFRGS) Bone tissue is the main constituent of bones. In relation to this fabric, it is correct to state that:

a) the mineral compounds of the bone tissue are responsible for its flexibility.
b) the epiphyseal disc is the structure from which long bones grow.
c) the bone does not show sensitivity due to the absence of nerve fibers.
d) osteoblasts are stimulated by a hormone from the parathyroid glands to remove calcium from the blood.
e) osteoclasts form new bone to fill the space left by osteoblasts.

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6) Bone tissue is a special type of connective tissue found in the vertebrate skeleton, with the exception of cartilaginous fish. This tissue is made up of three basic types of cells. The cell type whose main function is to secrete the components of the organic matrix is:

a) osteoblasts.
b) osteoclasts.
c) osteocytes.
d) osteons.

7) Bone tissue, despite what many people think, is also living tissue. It is composed of different cell types and a mineralized matrix. Regarding this fabric, mark the incorrect alternative:

a) nutrients and gases diffuse through the bone matrix.
b) special bone tissue cells are responsible for the production of bone matrix.
c) some bone tissue cells are capable of destroying the matrix and reabsorbing it.
d) bone tissue is responsible for providing support and protection, as well as helping to move the body.
e) blood vessels are found in the cavities of bones.

8) Most bones are formed by a process in which hyaline cartilage is replaced by bone tissue. This process is called:

a) intermembranous ossification.
b) intramembranous ossification.
c) endochondral ossification.
d) exochondral ossification.

9) One of the cell types found in bone tissue is the osteoclast. This cell, normally located on the surface of the bone, is related to:

a) production of bone matrix.
b) bone tissue resorption.
c) maintenance of the bone matrix.
d) production of new bone cells.

10) We know that bone tissue has different cell types that perform different functions. Among them, we can highlight the ____________, which are responsible for the production of bone matrix.

Check the alternative that correctly indicates the name of the cell that fills the space above.

a) osteocytes
b) osteoblasts
c) osteoclasts
d) endosteum


1 - the
2 - and
3 - the
4 - b
5 - b

6 - the
7 - the
8 - c
9 – b
10 – b

Click here to save the bone tissue exercise list in PDF!

See too:

  • Hemophilia Exercise List
  • List of hookworm exercises
  • List of Herbivory Exercises

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