Popular Meanings (128)

Definition of linguistic prejudice

Linguistic prejudice is discrimination between speakers of the same language, in which there is no respect for linguistic variations (ways of speaking and writing). Linguistic variations are the...

Definition of Shippo

Shippo is related to the act of hoping that two people or characters form a romantic pair, especially in movies, series, manga, comic books and so on. The word shippo is derived from...

Definition of Antisepsis

Antisepsis is a set of sterilization techniques that aim to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, responsible for causing infectious diseases, for example. Usually, the...

meaning of scarcity

Scarcity is the feminine noun that indicates the quality of something that is scarce. It is synonymous with lack, lack or insufficiency. The adjective sparse has its origin in the Latin excarpsus, a word used for...

Pledge meaning

Pledge is a legal concept that means a real guarantee of an obligation, consisting of a guarantee in the case of a debt. It can also be synonymous with guarantee or security. The pledge could be from...

Santa Claus

Santa Claus is the name of the figure representing the legend about a man known as "the good old man" dressed in red clothes and long white beard. He shows up on Christmas Eve night with a bag...

Definition of Accessibility

Accessibility is the quality of what is accessible, that is, what is attainable, which has easy access. It is a feminine noun that is related to what is easy to approach, in the...

meaning of putz

Putz is a Brazilian slang word popularly used as an interjection with the meaning of amazement or fright. The word putz is a way of suppressing a gross expletive, a popular heavy slang...

Meaning of Vlog

Vlog is the abbreviation for videoblog (video + blog), a type of blog where the predominant content is videos. The big difference between a vlog and a blog is actually the publication format. To the...

meaning of volatile

Volúvel is a two-gender adjective originating from the Latin volubile that classifies a thing that rotates, revolves or changes direction. In a figurative sense, the word fickle refers to what is inconstant,...

meaning of coarse

Crude means rude, clumsy or something in its raw state. It's a term that applies to both people and things. When used to qualify people, it can acquire the meaning of coarse, rough...

Definition of Balzachian

Balzaciana is an adjective that qualifies a thirty-year-old woman. The expression “Balzacian woman” originated after the publication of the novel “The Woman of Thirty Years”, by the French writer...

Meaning of Malfunction

Breakdown means damage, damage or loss, occurred in equipment, machinery, car and so on. Damage is a noun that designates damage that has suffered some material good. An example of a malfunction is a damage...

Definition of shooting star

A shooting star is a piece of a meteor or other cosmic particle that, upon entering the Earth's atmosphere, leaves a luminous trail wherever it passes due to the burning of its material. Remembering that the...

meaning of sympathy

Sympathy is a feeling of affinity that attracts and identifies people, it is an instinctive tendency that leads the individual to establish harmony with the other, allowing the creation of bonds of friendship...

Popular Meanings (189)

Definition of SlurrySlurry is a dark and acidic broth, with a typical and unpleasant smell, resul...

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Latest Meanings (187)

meaning of claimSinister is a word originating from the Latin term sinistru and means left, disas...

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Latest Meanings (186)

meaning of piriguetePiriguete is a slang term in Portuguese, considered as a pejorative term, use...

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