Latest Meanings (25)

Brazilian culture

Brazilian culture is represented by the set of traditions, cultural manifestations, customs, cuisine and religion of the people who have lived in the country throughout history. Due to a great process...

cultural identity

Cultural identity is a set of cultural traits characteristic of a particular group. These traits are responsible for defining this group, differentiating it from other groups and generating in their...


The cerrado is a Brazilian biome located mainly in the central-west region of the country. It is considered the second largest biome in South America, with more than 200 million hectares and occupies more than 20% of the...


The pampa is a biome that is located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (in Brazil), in Uruguay and in some provinces in Argentina (such as Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, etc.) Along with the Amazon, the thick,...

Amazon Biome

The Amazon biome is classified as the largest and most diverse biome in the country, covering almost half of Brazil's territory. In addition to being the largest in size, it is also the richest, as it has...

meaning of hypocrisy

Hypocrisy means pretense, falsehood; pretend feelings, beliefs, virtues, which in reality you do not have. Hypocrisy derives from Latin and Greek and meant the representation in the theater, of actors who...

Examples of figures of speech

Figures of speech are linguistic resources used in the Portuguese language to enrich or give more emphasis to texts. They can also be used to give a different meaning to the context...

meaning of cynicism

Cynicism, a word originating from the Greek term kynismós, is a system and philosophical doctrine of the Cynics. In a figurative sense, cynicism has a pejorative connotation, as it designates a sharp and biting man...

meaning of mock

Mocking means making fun, that is, making an intentional statement with malevolent attitudes, ironic or malicious, in order to make fun of, to make fun of, to ridicule, to laugh at somebody...

meaning of irony

Irony is the use of words that express the opposite sense of their literal meaning. In this way, irony asserts the opposite of what one wants to say or what one thinks. Irony is the art of...

meaning of sarcasm

Sarcasm is a figure of speech used to affront or offend someone, or a group. In general, sarcasm is used to ridicule the other, using aggressive language...

Cancellation Culture

Cancellation culture is a social media phenomenon that aims to boycott and ban people, events or brands that assume behaviors considered incorrect or that hurt the values ​​of a group of people...

Definition of Holistic Therapy

Holistic therapy is a type of therapy that treats problems and illnesses from a global perspective of the human being. Holistic therapy, different from therapies that focus only on the problem or symptoms...

Definition of Herbal Medicine

Phytotherapy is the science that studies medicinal plants and their use in the treatment of diseases. The word "phytotherapy" comes from the Greek terms therapeia = treatment + phyton = vegetable and means...

Definition of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a therapeutic method originating from Traditional Chinese Medicine, which consists of stimulating specific skin points through needles. According to Traditional Medicine...

Popular Meanings (315)

Meaning of DitchA pit is the same as a pit, a deep excavation with the purpose of delimiting a se...

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Popular Meanings (316)

Definition of AnnoyanceDiscomfort is an adjective in Portuguese that refers to what is not comfor...

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Popular Meanings (317)

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)CRM is an acronym used for the expression c ustomer relatio...

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