Project can create royalties from rocket launching for education

The bill presented by Senator Weverton (PDT-MA) institutes for the states, Federal District and municipalities, financial compensation for the commercial exploration of rocket and space vehicle launch areas in its territories.

PL 1.951/2019 aims to direct resources from the commercial exploration of the Alcântara Base to federal entities and educational institutions, implementing the “royalties of the rocket”.

The tax must be paid by the companies as a form of compensation for the economic use of areas of rocket launches and aerospace research, as already occurs with natural resources such as oil and gas.

A 15% rate is proposed on the revenues of these companies, with 40% of the contribution going to the states, 40% for municipalities, 10% for state universities and 10% for foundations supporting the research.

According to the author, the institution of royalties becomes necessary due to the importance of the Alcântara Base in the aerospace sector.

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— It is estimated that, as of 2040, Brazil will be able to win deals in the range of US$ 10 billion a year. In this sense, it is necessary to establish, as in mining or oil, the payment of royalties - argued Weverton.


In this way, it seeks to stimulate the development of regions where launch centers are located, such as Alcântara, stipulating financial compensation to populations that may suffer any damages caused by the exploitation of these activities economical.

“The use of royalties will undoubtedly drive national and regional development. This PL is a way of financially compensating the states and municipalities that have launching centers in their territories and the populations directly and indirectly affected”, justifies the senator.

Under review at the Committee on Constitution, Justice and Citizenship (CCJ), where it is awaiting the receipt of amendments, the bill will subsequently be sent to the Committee on Economic Affairs (CAE). If approved, without recourse to voting in the Plenary, it will be forwarded to the Chamber of Deputies. With information from Agência Brasil.

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