Latest Meanings (128)

Definition of Pentagon

Pentagon is a geometric figure formed by five angles and sides. It is also the name of the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, symbol of the US Armed Forces. In geometry studies,...

Definition of Natural Resources

Natural resources are goods that are available to Man and that are used for his survival, well-being and comfort. Goods that are extracted from nature from...

Definition of ISO

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization, or International Organization for Standardization, in Portuguese. ISO is a standardization and standardization entity, and was created in...

Definition of ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is a standardization standard for a particular service or product. This standard is part of the set of standards designated ISO 9000 and can be implemented by organizations of any size,...

Definition of ABNT

ABNT is the acronym for the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, a private, non-profit organization that aims to standardize production techniques made in the country. The technical standardization of...

Definition of NBR

NBR is an acronym used to represent the expression Technical Standard. It is a set of technical standards and rules related to documents, procedures or processes applied to companies or certain...

Definition of Rebus sic stantibus

Rebus sic stantibus is a Latin expression that can be translated as "things being like this". The expression is widely used in the area of ​​Law, having applications in Criminal Law, Civil Law...

Definition of Consumer Law

Consumer Law is a branch of civil law and business law that deals with the legal relationships between suppliers and consumers. The consumer's right is based on...

Definition of Pacta sunt servanda

Pacta sunt servanda is the principle of obligatory force that covers contracts entered into between two or more parties. It consists of the idea that what is established in the contract and signed by the parties...

meaning of gold

It is a metallic chemical element, considered noble for being one of the only metals that undergoes little or no oxidation. It can be found in rocks (in small amounts), rivers and streams, or in...

Definition of Gemstones

Precious stones are rare crystalline minerals of important value, distinguished by their beauty, purity, color, transparency, shine, hardness and refractive index of light. The gemstone is also...

Meaning of Gold Number

Golden number is an irrational, constant and real number that mathematically represents perfection in nature. It is represented by the Greek letter phi, initial of Phidias, sculptor and architect...

meaning of goldsmith

Goldsmith is a noun of double gender and number, meaning one who makes, executes or sells objects of gold and silver. The goldsmith can be considered an artist when he acts as a craftsman,...

Definition of school management

School management consists of an internal school organization system, involving all sectors that are related to school practices. In this way, school management aims to ensure a...

Definition of Brain

Acephalus is a term attributed to a being who suffers from acephaly, that is, who does not have a head or the part that corresponds to it. Normally, it is a term attributed to the individual who has a bad...

Popular Expressions (5)

Meaning of Paying the DuckPaying the duck is a popular expression in the Portuguese language, use...

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Popular Expressions (9)

Definition of The snake will smokeThe snake will smoke is a popular expression that means somethi...

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Expressions in English (7)

Definition of SWATSWAT stands for Special Weapons And Tactics. Portuguese), a US police group tha...

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