Responsibility is a feminine noun with origin in Latin and that demonstrates the quality of what is responsible, or obligation to answer for one's own or others' acts, or for something entrusted. THE...
Outsourcing is an expression in English usually translated into Portuguese as outsourcing. In the business world, outsourcing is a process used by a company in which another organization is...
Setup is a word used in the English language that in Portuguese can mean configuration, installation, organization, arrangement or regulation. Quite common in the computing world, setup is a...
Awareness means the quality of what you are aware of, aware of, aware of. It is an expression in English, derived from aware, which means to have knowledge or perception of something. Awareness is the quality of being...
Away is an English adjective that means absent, out, or far, far, remote. As an adverb it means far, far away, away, away. The term away, when added to a verb...
Avatar means bodily manifestation of a super powerful being, in the Hindu religion. Avatar is a supreme, immortal being. The deity Vishnu who is worshiped by Hindus, has many avatars, and has already suffered...
Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon that consists in the production of two sensations of a different nature by a single stimulus. It is a term that characterizes the sensory experience of certain individuals...
Aval is a masculine noun that means a guarantee given by a third party for the payment of a bill of exchange, of which he is neither a drawer, nor an acceptor, nor an endorser. In the figurative sense, an endorsement can be a...
Aurora means "dawn". It is a term from Latin. Aurora is a visible light in the sky before sunrise and indicates the start of the day. In the figurative sense, aurora means childhood,...
Paid activity or economic activity is any type of work where a monetary reward is received in return. The word "remuneration" comes from the Latin "remuneratio" and means payment,...
Humor, a masculine noun with origins in the Latin humore, means a person's mood or comic vein. The term humor is applied to the state of mind, and for that reason many times...
Ascension means ascent or elevation. Designates the act of ascending. A promotion in employment indicates an employee's ascension to a higher or higher position than he previously held. Rise...
Arcane is a term originating from the Latin "arcanus" which means mysterious, enigmatic. In Alchemy, the arcane is a mysterious potion accessible only to followers of this esoteric practice. In the sense...
Araque means fake, fake. The expression is used in a sentence, when we mean that some product is counterfeit, it is a product that imitates another similar and original. Ex: The watch is a Rolex...
Teutonic is a masculine adjective from the Latin Teutoni, referring to the Teutons, a Germanic tribe that became well-known from the 4th century onwards. Teutonic can be a synonym for Germanic,...