Popular Meanings (125)

Meaning of Partial Communion of Goods

Partial community of property is the regime that represents the sharing of all assets acquired by the couple after the celebration of civil marriage. The goods must be equally divided among the...

Definition of Effusive

Effusive is an adjective from the Portuguese language used to designate someone or something that has great ease of communication, that expresses itself easily and that has ardor and vehemence in what it says. What if...

Definition of Protozoan

Protozoa are unicellular living beings, eukaryotic, belonging to the Protist Kingdom. They usually live in fresh water, although they are also found in salt water, silt and moist soil. The word...

Definition of Perennial

Perene is an adjective of two genders that means eternal, incessant, permanent, continuous. Originating from the Latin term perennis, which meant something that lasts all year, this word also...

Definition of floodplain

Várzea is a feminine noun used to describe a plain or flat land, in an extensive and cultivated valley. In Brazil, the floodplains are known for being arable land next to the rivers...

Meaning of Measurement

Gauging is the act or effect of gauging, comparing weights and measurements with their respective standards. It is a word of Latin origin. Gauging is the act of establishing the graduation of an instrument that...

Definition of Financial Capitalism

Financial capitalism, also called monopoly capitalism, corresponds to a type of economy in which big commerce and big industry are controlled by the economic power of the banks...

Definition of Trade Marketing

Trade marketing is a specific area of ​​marketing related to the increase in demand by the wholesaler, retailer or distributor and which can bring several benefits to these elements. Despite...

Meaning of the Code of Ethics

Code of ethics is an agreement that establishes the rights and duties of a company, institution, professional category, NGO, etc., based on its mission, culture and social position, and that must be...

Meaning of hot and cold colors

Warm and cool colors are colors that feel hot or cold. Examples of warm colors are red and orange and cold colors blue and green. The warm and cold colors are many...

Definition of Zoonosis

Zoonosis is a medical term that designates diseases and infections transmitted to man through animals. It is a word of Greek origin formed by “zoo”, which means “animal” and “our...

meaning of reiki

Reiki is a spiritual practice based on the belief in the existence of the universal life energy "Ki", ​​which can be manipulated by the laying on of hands. The word Reiki means "mysterious atmosphere" and is a...

Definition of UFIR

UFIR is the acronym for the Reference Fiscal Unit, an index used as a parameter for updating the debit balance of taxes and amounts related to fines and penalties of any nature. UFIR,...

Meaning of Brown Color

The brown color means comfort, safety and simplicity. It is the color of earth and wood and therefore it is also associated with nature. Thus, it is also possible to associate the brown color to natural products and...

Percentage (%)

Percentage or percentage is an area of ​​mathematics that indicates a calculated rate or proportion against the number 100 (per hundred), and is represented by the % symbol. It consists of a reason that your...

Latest Meanings (73)

meaning of destinationFate is the masculine noun that indicates an end or result of a certain act...

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Latest Meanings (75)

Greenhouse effectGreenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon of the Earth's thermal heating, essent...

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Latest Meanings (74)

eshuExu is an orixá guardian of communication, which is part of the original African religions, s...

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