Blogger is a Brazilian term used to designate the individual who publishes on blogs. Blogger is the English term with the same meaning. Blogger or blogger are words that came together...
Telemetry is a technological monitoring system, used to command, measure or track something at a distance, through wireless communication (radio or satellite signals). Etymologically,...
Juniper is a pseudo-fruit that has medicinal and flavoring properties, quite common in temperate climates. The scientific name for juniper is Juniperus communis, but popularly it can also be...
Section is a homonymous word that must be used in the sense of court, division, division or department. Session, in turn, means a meeting or time interval that lasts an activity...
Quadrilha is a group of malicious people who get together, in an organized way and under the leadership of someone, to commit robberies and other criminal activities. Gang, gang or...
Withholding is the action of withholding, that is, not declaring something, fraudulently hiding for one's own benefit and acting against compliance with the law. The evasion involves the act of lying, because...
Assignment is the action or effect of assigning, donating, transmitting or assigning. This term is used in the sense of transferring, to someone or something, property or the right of possession over something, for example. Being...
Self-denial is a word that describes an action or attitude of giving up or refusing something or someone. When a person demonstrates selflessness, he or she gives up on some behavior or something. So, the...
Panelaço is the term adopted to represent a popular demonstration in which pots and other metal utensils are beaten in protest. A pot can also refer to the augmentative of...
Colluio is a masculine noun in Portuguese, referring to an agreement that is established between two or more individuals with the intention of harming another person. It is considered a conspiracy...
Omitting means not saying, writing or doing something in certain situations that was expected, or even necessary, to manifest itself. Omitting is putting aside, forgetting, neglecting, silencing, no...
Narcotic can be a natural or synthetic substance that causes physical and psychological changes in people who ingest them, in addition to chemical and psychological dependence. To rate a...
Countenance means the appearance and appearance of someone's face, through which it is possible to express various types of feelings and sensations, such as sadness, pain, happiness and so on. The countenance is...
Creationism is the theory that explains the origin of the Universe, Earth and all living beings that inhabit it from the action of a divine entity. Creationism is considered the opposite of Evolutionism...
A fugitive is someone who is fleeing from persecution or hiding from a certain situation in a place or land other than their own, such as an emigrant or an expatriate. Grammatically, the word outlaw can...