Popular Meanings (241)

Definition of Assiduous

Assiduous is the quality of something or someone that is habitual, whose presence is constant and regular. This adjective also represents the sense of commitment to the fulfillment and development of obligations...

meaning of poker face

Poker Face means “poker face”, and designates the expression that poker players must have in order to be able to bluff in the game. The poker face is an empty expression, which shows no feeling,...

Definition of Pot Face

Cara de tacho is a popular expression in the Portuguese language that means being embarrassed or embarrassed after going through some situation. It is a facial expression made the moment someone...

Definition of melee weapon

Melee weapon is any object that can be used to attack or defend against someone or something, but which in principle does not have this purpose. However, there is another definition that claims to be...

Meaning of HTTPS

HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure, which in Portuguese means “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure”. This is currently the most secure version of the protocol...

Definition of Tupan

Tupã (from Tupi-Guarani Tu'pã or Tu'pana) is a name of indigenous mythological origin, which in the Tupi language means "the thunder". Many people confuse the name Tupa as being the superior deity within the...

Prototype meaning

Prototype is the term used to refer to what was created for the first time, serving as a model or mold for future productions. In product development, for example, making prototypes...

Meaning of Enjoying

Enjoying means enjoying something, reaping the rewards, enjoying a material or moral benefit. For example: enjoy the trip, or enjoy the popularity. It's a Latin word "use fruere", which...

meaning of medley

Medley or potpourri can be a musical format in which several songs are harmoniously mixed within a single song. In a musical medley, the singer can perform his songs, or...

Meaning of inclusive education

Inclusive education is a modality of education that includes students with any type of disability or disorder, or with high abilities in mainstream schools. The diversity proposed by the school...

Definition of Possibility

Possibility is a feminine noun that expresses the property or condition of something that is possible or that can be or happen. When used in the plural, this word can mean the whole...

meaning of Ouroboros

Ouroboros is a mystic symbol that represents the concept of eternity, through the figure of a serpent (or dragon) that bites its own tail. Based on semiotics, the circular representation of...

Definition of Lurupite

Xurupita is the name of a fictitious village, the setting for the comics of the parrot “Zé Carioca”, published by Editora Abril. The José Carioca parrot was created by Walt Disney, visiting the...

Meaning of the Spanking Law

Lei da Spanking is the informal name of Law No. 13.010/2014 that prohibits the use of physical punishment or cruel and degrading treatment against children and adolescents in Brazil. Also known as “Law of...

meaning of guessing

Achismo is a slang attributed to the “theory” that is created by someone about something based solely on their opinions and intentions, without any kind of concrete argument or justification. The guessing...

Latest Meanings (174)

Prototype meaningPrototype is the term used to refer to what was created for the first time, serv...

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Popular Meanings (175)

meaning of RSVPRSVP is the acronym for the French expression “Répondez S’il Vous Plait” which in ...

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Popular Meanings (176)

Baroque CharacteristicsBaroque art emerged in Italy and consolidated from the 17th century onward...

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