What is the meaning of the acronym HDI? Definition, Brazil, States


  • What is HDI?
  • Indexes
  • Brazilian States with the highest HDI index

What is HDI?

Every now and then we hear about the country's HDI, as well as that of the Brazilian states. However, even though the acronym is used from time to time, many still do not know its meaning.

HDI means Human development Index. This index is carried out by one of the largest institutions on the planet, the United Nations (UN). Its objective is to measure the country's economic development, as well as its quality of life rate.

Based on this index, the Human Development Report is produced annually, which takes into account mortality and healthy living, access to education for adults and children, as well as the standard of living and purchase of population.


In the HDI, countries receive ratings ranging from 0 to 1, with the closer to 1, the more developed and rich the country is. In the overall ranking, the countries with the highest percentages are Norway, Australia, Switzerland, Denmark and the Netherlands, respectively.

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The data above are from the 2014 assessment. In addition, in the same year, Brazil was ranked 75th, with an HDI of 0.755.

Brazilian States with the highest HDI index

Also according to data from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), in 2010, thes Brazilian states with the highest Human Development Index Municipal are:

  • Federal District – 0.824;
  • São Paulo – 0.783;
  • Santa Catarina – 0.774;
  • Rio de Janeiro – 0.761;
  • Paraná – 0.749;
  • Rio Grande Sul – 0.746;
  • Holy Spirit – 0.740;
  • Goiás – 0.735;

In addition, in the same year, Brazilian municipalities were also evaluated by the world organization.

In the results, the best evaluated Brazilian cities were:

  • São Caetano do Sul (SP) - 0.862;
  • Águas de São Pedro (SP) – 0.854;
  • Florianópolis (SC) – 0.847;
  • Balneário Camboriú (SC) – 0.845;
  • Vitória (ES) – 0.845;
  • Santos (SP) – 0.840;

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