18 Math riddles with answers

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Who has never broken his head trying to unravel a charade? Of the math, then, don't even talk! Some seem to be so difficult, but when we find the answer we see how obvious it was!

This is because it is natural to immediately seek a more evident answer, without valuing, on the other hand, other more original dimensions that could be more useful. Also because it is very common that certain pranks appear. Therefore, the riddles stimulate the critical, creative thinking and logical.

Within this logic, we will propose some mathematical riddles that not only require calculations but logic stimulus that will make you see things with another point of view and even have fun. Do you want to try?

Mathematical Logic Riddles

“There are 10 fish in an aquarium. Two drowned, four swam away, and three died naturally. How many fish are left in the aquarium?”
Reply: 10. Firstly, because fish is an aquatic animal. So they cannot drown. Secondly, they cannot swim away, as they are inside an aquarium. Lastly, those who died will remain in the reservoir unless they are removed by someone. Therefore, all fish are still in the same place.

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"From what number is it possible to take half of it and get nothing as a result?"
Reply: The number 8. After all, by removing half of it in writing, the number 0 is obtained.

"What are the consanguine numbers?"
Reply: Prime numbers.

"What does the mathematician's son say when he wants to go to the bathroom?"
Reply: Pi-pi.

"What is the result of the following equation: 6:2(1+2)
Reply: 9. After all, according to the mathematical rules, it is necessary to solve what is between the parentheses. That is, the addition whose result is 3. Right after that you need to solve the division and finally the multiplication

“In my garden there are 5 tomato, 1 avocado and 2 banana plants. How many feet do I have in total?”
Reply: 2.

“What did a calculator answer when asked how she was doing?” ’
Reply: + or -.

“There is a duck between two ducks, a duck behind a duck and a duck in front of another duck. How many ducks are we talking about?
Reply: 3 ducks.

“A whale is 15 meters long. The tail is as big as the animal's head. If his head were twice as long as it's real size, would joints, tail and head be the size of the rest of his body? How long is each part of the whale's body?”
Reply: The head and tail measure 10 feet each. While the rest of the body measures 9 meters in length.

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"What two numbers, when multiplied by each other, the result is seven?"
Reply: 1 and 7. Since seven is a prime number and therefore divisible only by itself and by the number 1.

“There are 5 birds on a tree branch. A person shoots one of them, how many birds are left on the branch?"
Reply: None. Because the other four took off at the sound of the noise.

"According to sequence 2, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18 and 19, what is the next number?"
Reply: 200. Since all numbers start with the letter D.

“A mother has R$30 to split between her two daughters. What time can be seen on the clock?”
Answer: 13:45, that is, 15 to two.

“4+4+4=12. What are the other three equal numbers that also equals the number 12.
Reply: 11+1.

“John had 9 carts. He lent one of them to his friend Arthur. How many carts does John have now?”
Reply: 9. After all, he only lent the toy, so it's still his.

“A man was traveling to São Paulo with his seven sisters. Each of the sisters carried seven boxes and in each box there were seven cats. Since, each one of the cats had seven kittens. How many were going to arrive in São Paulo?”
Reply: 2752 living beings. Since there were 8 people, 343 adult cats and 2401 kittens. Boxes do not count.

"Without doing any mathematical calculation answer why can the number 30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512078291027000 not be a factor of 50?"
Reply: Because it only has three zeros at the end. Following the rules of mathematics for a number of this size to be a factor of 50 it is necessary to have five zeros at the end.

“A man weighs 80 kilos and his daughters weigh 40 kilos each. Everyone needs to cross an island in a boat. However, it only supports 80 pounds at a time. How can they get across?”

  1. The two daughters cross. One stays and the other returns.
  2. The one who came back gets off the boat. The father ascends and crosses.
  3. The daughter who was on the island returns by boat.
  4. The two daughters return to the island.

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See too:

  • 8 dynamics to teach math simply
  • Math Games Course in Early Childhood Education: Free and Online!

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