Exercises on sexual reproduction - List of questions with feedback

THE sexual reproduction occurs through the fusion of two gametes haploids that give rise to a diploid organism. In animals, gametes are called egg and sperm and, in plants, gametes are the oosphere and the anterozoid.

We prepare a list of exercises on sexual reproduction so you can test your knowledge of the reproduction that occurs with gamete switching.

You can check the feedback and save this exercise list in PDF at the end of the post!

Exercises on sexual reproduction

1) (PUC) Soon after sperm penetration, the egg becomes impenetrable to other sperm. When this happens, it is due to training:

a) the cone of attraction.
b) the fertilization membrane.
c) the vitelline membrane.
d) of thin cellulose film.
e) from the beginning of the epidermis.

2) Sexual reproduction is related to processes that involve the exchange and mixing of genetic material between individuals of the same species. Individuals who arise through sexual reproduction resemble their parents but are not identical with them. The role of this type of reproduction in the evolution and diversity of species is, among other factors:

a) guarantee the increase of the genetic variety of the species.
b) guarantee the reduction of the genetic variety of the species.
c) guarantee the transmission of the same genetic characteristics.
d) inhibit the transmission of genetic characteristics.

3) (UNIP) The identical twins originate:

a) from an egg fertilized by 2 or more sperm.
b) from an egg fertilized by 1 sperm and the resulting egg subsequently triggers 2 embryos.
c) the fertilization of an egg where two caryogamies occur.
d) always and exclusively from polyspermia.
e) of eggs with the number of chromosomes (2n).

4) Reproduction is the ability of a living being to propagate its species. We know that even bacteria reproduce. Over them, one can observe the division of a cell into two, without the participation of other bacteria, in a type of reproduction known as:

a) conjugation.
b) parthenogenesis.
c) sexual reproduction.
d) asexual reproduction.

5) (CESGRANRIO) When an egg develops and comes to produce an animal, in the absence of fertilization, we have what is called:

a) hermaphroditism.
b) parthenogenesis.
c) metamorphosis.
d) internal fertilization.
e) congenital malformation.

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6) (UFMT) In general, animals are formed by sexual reproduction, from the zygote. In some cases, an egg can develop without fertilization, giving rise to a new individual. This process is known as:

a) parthenogenesis.
b) segmentation.
c) organogenesis.
d) anthropogenesis.
e) gametic selection.

7) When we talk about sexual reproduction, we can say with certainty that:

a) there are two bodies involved.
b) only one organism is needed.
c) there is the involvement of two gametes.
d) there is a hermaphrodite organism involved.
e) there will be no genetic variability.

8) (UNIP) Usually, the egg is fertilized by a single sperm. When several sperm penetrate the same egg, it is called:

a) protospermia.
b) polyspermy.
c) spermiogenesis.
d) parthenogenesis.
e) multiplespermia.

9) (UFRGS) In a comparison, from the point of view of evolutionary favoring and adaptation, sexual reproduction is more important than asexual reproduction. Which of the following alternatives regarding sexual reproduction best justifies this statement?

a) It always takes place after meiosis which produces gametes.
b) It is unique to an evolved life form.
c) It gives rise to a greater number of descendants.
d) Allows greater constancy in the genome of descendants.
e) Promotes greater genetic variability in the population.

10) Sexual reproduction, in addition to involving the variability generated by meiosis almost always requires the participation of two individuals through:

a) occurrence of the union between male and female gamete.
b) occurrence of the division of an individual's own body.
c) occurrence of the union of cells from the same individual.
d) occurrence of division of a single cell in the individual.


1 - b
2 - the
3 - b
4 - d
5 - b

6 - the
7 - c
8 - b
9 and
10 - the

Click here to download the list of exercises on sexual reproduction in PDF!

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  • List of exercises on active and passive transport
  • List of exercises on viruses and their characteristics

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