18 Brumaire hit

what was the 18 Brumaire coup? O 18 Brumaire coup was a coup d'état in France, carried out by Napoleon Bonaparte.

The French calendar was dedicated to mist (mist), so the 18th brumaire corresponds to November 9, 1799 of the Gregorian calendar.

The coup was seen as the only way to preserve the achievements obtained during the French Revolution and to prevent possible wars. Through him, Napoleon dissolved the directory, replaced it with the consulate and established a dictatorial regime in France supported by a portion of the bourgeoisie.

Then the Napoleonic period which ran from 1799 to 1815.


The French army was strengthened by military conquests. The directory faced several disagreements between the various political groups that made up it. Thus, the military were considered the only ones capable of maintaining order and governing the country.

The fact that some groups want the return of absolutism, made the bourgeoisie see its social and economic achievements at risk. In addition, there was the threat of invasion by the Second Coalition (integrated by Great Britain, Russian Empire, Austria,

Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Naples, in addition to other small political entities that made up the Italian Peninsula and the Germanic region) in French territory.

Such antecedents made a great part of the French support the 18 Brumaire coup and the dictatorial regime of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Napoleon Bonaparte and the 18th Brumaire coup

Napoleon Bonaparte he was one of the main soldiers of revolutionary France, winning several battles against the European countries that were warring against France. As time passed, he became interested in politics and disliked Robespierre's Reign of Terror.

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With this, the coup was organized by the upper bourgeoisie and by the Girondists. The coup d'etat was the only solution found to preserve the achievements of the French Revolution and prevent possible wars with countries against the revolution.

The directory was replaced by the consulate on the 18th of Brumaire (November 9, 1799). This event was seen as a reaction by the Girondins, then commanded by Bonaparte, who became the first consul of France with full powers. In addition to him, Sieyès and Pierre-Roger Ducos became consuls.

new constitution

The trio that made up the consulate, Bonaparte, Sieyes and Ducos, drew up a new constitution that established that Napoleon would be the first consul of France for the next ten years. In addition to guaranteeing Bonaparte's power for a long period, she determined that all powers would be concentrated in his hands.

He was also responsible for legislating and for choosing the people who would occupy the main public positions.

From then on, the Napoleonic era Or the dictatorship of Napoleon Bonaparte.


Let's look at some of the consequences of the coup for French society:

  • Dictatorial regime in France;
  • Restoration of freedom of worship;
  • Amnesty for nobles who fled during the Revolution;
  • Senate becomes an advisory body.

Learn more at:

  • Biography of Napoleon Bonaparte – Life, Power, Legacy and Influence
  • What was the French Revolution?
  • What was the Terror Phase in the French Revolution?

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