Pronatec Human Rights will benefit three groups of people

The Secretariat of Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic announced this Wednesday, November 26, the creation of a new category to serve three groups of people through the National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment (Pronatec). Called Pronatec Human Rights, the new category will benefit people with disabilities, homeless people and teenagers who comply with socio-educational measures.

Learn how Pronatec is developed

The rules of the new program were published in today's edition of the Diário Oficial da União, in the Ordinance No. 963, and establish, among other things, that the newly created modality will be divided into three groups: Pronatec Viver Sem Limite, for the disabled; Pronatec Sinase, for teenage offenders; and Pronatec Street Population.

Pronatec Human Rights courses must be tailored to the profile of each of the groups, aiming at their insertion in the labor market, from the demand survey carried out by state, district and municipal bodies responsible for the policy aimed at people with disabilities, homeless people and minors offenders. The Secretariat for Human Rights will work together with these bodies in selecting and enrolling beneficiaries.

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The qualification of students will be done according to the rules of the traditional program and will also take place in the same educational institutions, that is, networks federal, state and municipal professional education institutions and institutions of national learning services, such as the S System (Senai, Sesc, Senac, Sesi and Senat).

Adriano Lesme

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