Exercises on the properties of air

O atmospheric air it is a mixture of gases that surround the Earth.

It has many properties such as expandability, compressibility, elasticity and atmospheric pressure that is exerted on the Earth.

We prepare a list of exercises about air properties so you can test your knowledge of atmospheric air.

You can consult the feedback and save this list in PDF at the end of the post.

Exercises — Air properties — 6th year

1) Air is a mixture of important substances that participate in various chemical reactions in nature and within organisms. In the event of fires, what is the oxidizing gas, present in the air, responsible for maintaining the flame?

a) Nitrogen.
b) Oxygen.
c) Helium.
d) Hydrogen.

2) Organisms, both plant and animal, when they breathe, consume:

a) oxygen.
b) carbon dioxide.
c) nitrogen.
d) other gases.

3) The experiment below shows that when you cap the syringe tip and push the plunger, the air that exists inside the syringe takes up less space, causing a reduction in the distance between the molecules of gases.

Exercises - Air Properties 3

What property of air can be demonstrated with this experiment?

a) Compressibility.
b) Severability.
c) Elasticity.
d) Expandability.

4) Without air, there is no life on the planet, as all living beings need air to survive. The Earth needs the greenhouse effect. About the greenhouse effect, we can say that it is:

a) the same thing as the ozone layer.
b) a global phenomenon of increasing temperature on the planet.
c) a natural phenomenon that keeps some of the heat on Earth.
d) increasing the amount of air.

5) List the columns, correctly identifying the terms indicated. Items in column 1 can be repeated!

Column 1

I) Fuel.
II) Combustion.
III) Oxidising.

Column 2

( ) Paraffin.
( ) Charcoal.
( ) Oxygen.
( ) Smoke.
( ) Natural gas.

6) Mark the alternative that correctly indicates the name of the phenomenon that occurs as a result of the interaction of oxides with water vapor present in the atmosphere.

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a) Greenhouse effect.
b) Global warming.
c) Thermal inversion.
d) Acid rain.

7) Crossword:

1- Layer of gases that surrounds the Earth.
2- Gas component of the primitive atmosphere.
3- Layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth's surface.
4- One of the gases present in the primitive atmosphere.
5- Gas eliminated by photosynthesis and used in the breathing of living beings.
6- Layer of the atmosphere composed mainly of ozone gas.
7- Pollutant that destroys the ozone layer.
8- Layer of the atmosphere that is characterized by having very low temperatures.
9- Fundamental waves for communication located in the ionosphere.
10- Name given to the cattle breeder, who also contributes to changing the atmosphere.

Exercises - Air Properties 7

8) Look at the figure:

Exercises - Air Properties 8

Where is atmospheric pressure greatest?

a) A (Sea level).
b) B (Mexico).
c) C (Mount Everest).
d) It is the same in A, B, C.

9) Consider the figure below:

Exercises - Air Properties 9

The figure symbolizes a phenomenon that has been analyzed by a large number of scientists, who argue that this phenomenon has caused, among others:

a) the rise in the planet's average temperature.
b) the increase in the rate of use of solar energy.
c) the reduction of the ozone hole.
d) the increase in the number of inhabitants on Earth.

10) In the following word search, there are eight words related to the importance of air to life on Earth. Discover them!

Exercises - Air Properties 10

Using the words found, complete the following text:

One of the themes studied in _______________ is the relationship of _______________ that exists between living beings. The _______________, for example, absorb _______________ and _______________, producing their _______________ and releasing the _______________ that the _______________ so desperately need.


1 — b
2 — the
3 — the
4 — c
5 — I, I, III, II and I.
6 — d
7 – 1- atmosphere; 2- ammonia; 3- troposphere; 4- methane; 5- oxygen; 6- stratosphere; 7- CFC; 8- mesosphere; 9- radio; 10- rancher.
8 — the
9 — the
10 — In order in the text: ecology; dependency; vegetable; light; carbon dioxide; food; oxygen; animals.

Click here to save this exercise list to PDF!

See too:

  • List of exercises on cell breathing
  • List of exercises on spermatogenesis
  • List of Exercises on Heredograms

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