Exercises on stem types

You stemsthey are supporting organs of the plants, it has many different morphologies and can be classified as aerial, subterranean or aquatic.

We prepare a list of exercises on stem types so you can test your knowledge of the morphology of this plant organ.

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Exercises on types of stems

1) (UDESC) Supporting the leaves and transporting raw and elaborated saps are the main functions of the stems. Analyze the propositions in relation to the information.

I – The voluble type stalk is an aerial, erect and woody stalk, such as grapes, chayote and beans.
II – The stem of the culm type is a type of woody and creeping stem in which the knot and internal regions are clearly observed, such as palm heart and coconut.
III – The rhizome-type stem is an underground stem with a perpendicular development to the surface, for example, potato, carrot and cassava.
IV – The bulb-type stem is an underground stem, of reduced size and surrounded by modified leaves, such as onion and garlic.

V – The stem of the stipe type is a stem with many branches and woody, for example, orange and coconut trees.

Check the correct alternative.

a) In statement IV the description of the stem is correct, as well as the examples of this type of stem.
b) In statement I the description of the stem is correct, as well as the examples of this type of stem.
c) In statement II the description of the stem is correct, but the examples are of another type of stem.
d) In statement III the description of the stem is correct, as well as the examples of this type of stem.
e) In statement V the description of the stem is correct, but the examples are not of this type of stem.

2) Carefully analyze the alternatives below and mark the one that correctly indicates the name given to the stem that is characterized by being robust, with great development at the base and branches at the apex.

a) Stolon.
b) Sarmento.
c) Trunk.
d) Thatch.
e) Bulb.

3) The stem is the part of the plant responsible, mainly, for its support. There are, however, stems adapted to other functions, such as the storage of nutritional substances. Review the alternatives below and mark the one that indicates the name of a type of stem rich in reserve substances.

a) Stipe.
b) Thatch.
c) Tuber.
d) Trunk.
e) Stomp.

4) (UNIOESTE) Check the alternative that correctly associates the type of stem with some of its characteristics.

a) Trunks: underground stems that accumulate nutritive substances.
b) Rhizomes: stems adapted to carry out photosynthesis and, in some species, also to water storage.
c) Stems: usually unbranched stems, which have, at the apex, a tuft of leaves.
d) Stems: robust stems, well developed at the bottom and usually branched at the top.
e) Cladodes: they are complex structures formed by the stem and modified leaves.

5) The stem is an important plant organ related, among other functions, to the elongation and orientation of the aerial part. Some plants have stems with some differentiated functions, such as nutrient storage. Mark the alternative that correctly indicates the type of stem that is characterized by nutrient storage and is found in potato potatoes.

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a) Stolon.
b) Rhizome.
c) Thatch.
d) Stipe.
e) Tuber.

6) Many people, when drawing a tree, portray a robust stem with a well-developed underside and branches at the apex. This stem, present in most trees, is a type of:

a) rhizophore.
b) trunk.
c) rod.
d) bulb.
e) stall.

7) In palm trees, it is possible to observe typical stems, which stand out for not being branched and presenting a portion of leaves at their apex, forming a tuft. Review the alternatives below and mark the one that correctly indicates the name of this type of stem.

a) Stipe.
b) Trunk.
c) Rod.
d) Thatch.
e) Stomp.

8) The banana stalk is a stalk that grows horizontally on the surface of the soil or buried close to the surface. This type of stem can be called:

a) stall.
b) rhizome.
c) culm.
d) stipe.
e) rhizophore.

9) (UEL) Vascular plants colonized the terrestrial landscape during the Lower Devonian period, about 410 and 387 million years ago. The occupation of the large number of habitats required a wide variety of plant forms and adaptations. Based on the morphology of the different types of stems, mark the alternative that contains stems adapted to asexual reproduction and photosynthesis, respectively:

a) rhizome and bulb.
b) stalk and bulb.
c) stolon and rhizome.
d) cladode and stolon.
e) stolon and cladode.

10) (UPE) The coconut tree, cocus nucifera, is one of the most widely distributed palm species in the tropical zone, due to its low nutritional requirement and its easiness to disperse through the seas and have a support system resistant to strong winds and the sandy soil of the Coast. Its stem has very visible nodes and internodes, but with leaves only at the apex, which, in turn, is classified as:

a) rod.
b) bulb.
c) culm.
d) stipe.
e) tubercle.


1 - the
2 - c
3 - c
4 - c
5 - and

6 - b
7 - the
8 - b
9 and
10 - d

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See too:

  • List of exercises on vacuoles
  • List of exercises on active and passive transport
  • List of exercises on viruses and their characteristics

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