Class Plan on Environment and Globalization

Globalization has had many effects on our lives. We have greater access to technologies, communication has become faster, innovation has been moving at a very high speed, we have a new era of economic and
developmentalist. However, the globalization process has created several problems in some areas, one of which is the environment.

There has been a very large increase in the consumption of products, which causes a greater demand for raw materials and consequently increases pressures on natural resources. There was also an increase in the amount of fossil fuels needed, as thanks to globalization, ease of obtaining all kinds of material has grown and with this there is a need for more transport for this occur.

The amount of gases emitted into the atmosphere, derived mostly from factories and automobiles, also increased.
Due to globalization, several products have been released into the environment.

Chemical products derived from industries were released into the soil, rivers, seas… Globalization came to make our lives easier, but it has also caused several serious problems. The solution to these problems lies in the development of effective mechanisms that can mitigate the impacts caused by globalization on the environment.


  • Environment and Globalization


  • 2 days


  • Apply geographic studies and understand the relationship between human beings and the environment;
  • Analyze some changes in the environment as a result of globalization;
  • Compare environments and adverse effects of globalization on climate and natural resources;
  • Analyze the relationship between globalization and depletion of natural resources.


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  • Text: What is Globalization?;
  • Video: Globalization and Environment – Ana Flavia Mairinck;
  • Data Show;
  • Notebook and Pencil.


Start by defining what globalization is, then ask students to write in their notebooks, in highlight, what do they think globalization is and if it had any kind of effect on the environment around.

Use the Data Show to give students an overview of what globalization is, how it has developed over the years, and what it means to be a globalized country in practice. List pros and cons, including any harmful effects you can remember. After that, ask questions.

Now, play the Globalization and Environment video and hand in the text individually. Allow 10 minutes for the reading to take place.

Then divide students into groups of 3 or 4.

Ask students to create a presentation for the next day about globalized countries and environmental impacts. Tell them to address the issues of technology, money, environmental impacts, how governments should protect and help the environment, who is responsible, environmental impacts are real issues and need to be treated? What should be done to alleviate them? Present examples/projects that already do this mitigation of environmental impacts around the world.

The presentation must not be longer than 15 minutes and must be presented in digital material (Power Point).


  • Questions about globalization


  • The evaluation of this class will be done through participation in the proposed activity.

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Class Plan on Environment and Globalization

Globalization has had many effects on our lives. We have greater access to technologies, communic...

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