Social distancing: what it is and when it is needed

Social distancing is a term widely used nowadays, since it is about measures adopted in the most recent pandemic of history: the pandemic of COVID-19.

The adoption of measures of social distancing, as the name suggests, guarantees people's distance and a reduction in the transmission of a certain disease. Despite having negative impacts on all sectors of the economy in a region, distancing is essential to prevent the number of cases from increasing uncontrollably.

Read too: What is quarantine?

What is social distancing?

Social distancing are a set of measures aimed at alienating people in order to prevent the spread of an easily transmitted disease. Diseases that can cause epidemics but are not transmitted from one person to another, such as dengue, do not require the adoption of distancing measures.

In a situation of social distance, it is recommended, for example, the closing of schools, universities, churches and non-essential establishments. In addition, the adoption of home office, for those services that allow this type of work, it is recommended.

To ensure social distance, many companies adopt the "home office".
To ensure social distance, many companies adopt the "home office".

It is also important that people leave their homes only when necessary, as for shopping for food and medicine. When leaving the house, some distance measures must also be respected, avoiding, for example, too much proximity to other people. Thus, it is important that the establishments in operation promote ways that prevent agglomerations.

Measures of social distancing are not well regarded by the entire population, since negatively affect the economy. However, they are only performed in situations that require extreme care.

At a time of pandemic, for example, they ensure that the disease has its transmission controlled and, in this way, there is no drastic increase in the number of infected. This increase could be harmful, for example, to the health system, which could not accommodate all patients, which would cause an increase in deaths due to lack of care.

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What is lockdown?

In situations where social distancing is not enough to control an emergency situation, such as a pandemic, the so-calledlockdown, which is characterized by being a stricter version of distancing. The word is an English term that can be translated as “confinement”.

No lockdown all non-essential activities are prohibited by the state., and even the movement of people becomes controlled. In these cases, people who do not work in essential services are allowed to leave their homes only for activities considered essential, such as buying food, medicine and going to the hospital. O non-compliance with the rules can lead to fines.

Social distancing and the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 it is a disease that had its first cases registered at the end of 2019. Quickly its contamination became pandemic, that is, it spread across the planet, reaching different countries on different continents.

This disease, caused by a new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), is transmitted by respiratory droplets eliminated by the patient and by objects contaminated by these droplets. In addition, it is important to highlight that transmission can occur even if the infected individual is not showing symptoms or has mild symptoms, which makes it difficult to control the disease.

Due to its form of transmission, the adoption of measures of social distancing became essential to contain the pandemic. The measures adopted are different from one country to another, and even within the same country.

In Goiás, for example, activities in shopping malls, stores, events and cultural activities were suspended. Supermarkets, pharmacies and bakeries were allowed to stay open. Restaurants were also closed, with only the delivery system remaining. At the Rio de Janeiro, on the contrary, bars and restaurants could open as long as the capacity was, at most, 30% of their capacity. Some locals also loved the lockdown system, being the Maranhão the first state to adopt restrictions on movement for its residents.

At measures of social distancing proved to be effective. in some parts of the world in COVID-19 containment. They were important, for example, to curb the number of cases in Wuhan, China, where the first cases of the disease were identified. Due to their efficiency, the World Health Organization defends that distancing should be adopted in these circumstances.

Read too: Social isolation: what it is, types and consequences

Social distancing and our health

 Social distancing can bring anguish and negative feelings. Try to create activities that lighten this moment.
Social distancing can bring anguish and negative feelings. Try to create activities that lighten this moment.

Social distancing can directly affect our health, exposing us to situations of great stress,anxiety and depression. Therefore, it is important that, while reducing contact with others, we stay active and take care of our mental health. Among the main tips to keep yourself well during this time, we can highlight:

  • Communicate with your friends and loved ones. To lessen the feeling of loneliness, video links can be a great choice.

  • Avoid looking for too much information about the reasons for distancing, as this creates fear and anxiety.

  • Practice physical activities inside your home. Stretching and yoga can help you relax.

  • Eat well.

  • Keep a routine.

  • if you are doing home office, do not exceed working hours as you may feel overwhelmed.

  • Include in your routine an activity that you enjoy, such as reading, painting or writing.

  • If you need help coping with the situation, look for psychologists who are attending online.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
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