Laughing is the best medicine

Smiling can be the best way to ward off bad moods and make a bad day more pleasant. Why do we necessarily laugh?

There are several reasons that can cause a smile to bloom on our lips, it can strengthen social bonds, since it is a a spontaneous sign that we are feeling good about a certain person, or it may come in response to a good joke. It often comes from embarrassing situations, it's what we call a faded (unfunny) smile, it shows nervousness, embarrassment and disappointment. But it is not this type of laugh that is good for your health, quite the contrary, an open smile is what relaxes, invigorates, cheers us up, etc.

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The act of laughing relaxes all the muscles in the body and, without a shadow of a doubt, this is what gives us a pleasant sensation of pleasure.

By Líria Alves

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Laughing is the best medicine"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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