The power of the mind in curing illness

When you buy a medicine, you may think you paid for a cure, but studies show that the action of a medicine goes far beyond its formula: the power of the mind is an aid in curing illnesses.

The power of the mind.

It is not difficult to come across stories of patients who present an improvement above the expected, the fact of believing in a cure is what explains this situation, it is what scientists call “placebo effect”.
Clinical trials of new drugs use placebos at a level of comparison. There are two groups: one uses the pills with the new medication and the other the flour pills. Incredibly, 30% of participants who ingest placebos (fake pills) have improvement, this phenomenon cannot be explained in theory and the explanation in practice you check now:
This effect gained scientific attention at the beginning of this century, research has proven it to be really effective. All because the patient, by having faith that the treatment will work, favors a series of reactions in his body capable of minimizing pain and improving the immune system's response. But what are these reactions that bring so much benefit?

Studies carried out in several areas suggest an explanation: the expectation of feeling better increases in the brain the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and well-being. Some studies point to the reduction of the hormone cortisol as an explanation: this hormone is released in situations of stress and inhibits the functioning of the body's defenses.
In general, the mind helps to cure illnesses linked to psychological disorders (mild depression), stress, asthma and impotence.

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By Líria Alves
Brazil School Team

Curiosities - Brazil School

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "The power of the mind in curing illness"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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