Procrastinating is the act of putting something off or prolonging a situation to be resolved later. Procrastination is a behavior considered normal for human beings, however it can be very harmful when...
Bibliography is a generalized term to designate the list of reference sources used in researching a particular topic for the preparation of a written work. The purpose of a bibliography is...
Cordel Literature is a literary manifestation from the interior of northeastern Brazil. It is a literary genre made in verse with meter and rhyme and characterized by orality and a language...
Eclectic is one who is in favor of different forms of conduct or opinion, one who enjoys different types of music, food, reading, etc. It is one who is in favor of eclecticism. It is a...
Moral values are the principles and norms that determine a person's behavior and interaction with society. These behaviors are classified as "right" or "wrong" by...
Willful and involuntary homicide are types of homicide that qualify the circumstances or intentions of a murder; the act of killing another individual. Willful murder is when a person kills...
LGBT (or LGBTTT) is the acronym for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgenders, which consist of different types of sexual orientations. The acronym LGBT is also used as the name of a...
Cell is the smallest basic structural and functional unit of a living being, being considered the smallest portion of living matter. It was discovered in 1665 by the English mathematician Robert Hooke, who observed...
Hiato originates from the Latin term “hiatus”, which means “opening, crack, lacuna”, covering different concepts and applications. According to linguistics, hiatus is the meeting of two...
Poking on Facebook is a function of the social network that allows a person to get the attention of their friends. The nudge on facebook is meant to say "Hey, I'm here!" or "Hi, how are you?" In many...
Organization is how a system is put in place to achieve the desired results. It usually consists of one, two or more people who perform functions in a controlled and coordinated manner with...
Income and expenses are terms of studies in accounting and finance in general, where it is taught that expenses are spent to directly or indirectly generate revenue, whether for individuals or...
Philanthropy is the act of helping others, through various altruistic and supportive attitudes that help support other human beings. Donations of clothing, food, money and more...
Planning is a word that means the act or effect of planning, creating a plan to optimize the achievement of a certain objective. This word can cover many different areas. The planning...
Lust is a feminine noun with origins in the Latin luxuriae and means lust, debauchery, lust, sensuality. Lust seen as an addiction is the opposite of chastity, and is seen as a...