Throughout the physical and chemical transformations of marine and terrestrial environments, a varied number of organisms emerged and provided the appearance of others, each characterizing a period evolutionary.
Thus, among the main aspects of expansion and predominance of organisms, whether animal or plant, the biotic behavior can be established in chronological order as follows:
Pre-Cambrian – domain of protists and aquatic invertebrates;
Cambrian – domain of arthropods and algae;
Ordovician – appearance of jawless fish and great algae diversity;
Silurian – diversification of arthropods and terrestrial plants;
Devonian – diversification of fish and emergence of amphibians and seed plants;
Carboniferous – Emergence of reptiles and gymnosperms;
Permian – domain of reptiles and gymnosperms;
Triassic – appearance of dinosaurs and mammals, domain of coniferous plants and also reptiles;
Jurassic – appearance of birds and dominance of dinosaurs;
Cretaceous – extinction of dinosaurs and appearance of plants with flowers and fruits;
Tertiary - Diversification of mammals;
Quaternary – emergence of the species Homo sapiens.
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By Krukemberghe Fonseca
Graduated in Biology
Brazil School Team
evolutionary biology - Biology - Brazil School
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RIBEIRO, Krukemberghe Divine Kirk da Fonseca. "Biotic characterization as a function of geological scale"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.