9th month of pregnancy. Characteristics of the ninth month of pregnancy

Since we have months of 28, 30, and 31 days, some doctors often suggest that calculations for a woman's length of pregnancy be done according to the lunar calendar. This basically means considering the following:

- 1 lunar week = 7 days
- 1 lunar month = 4 weeks of 7 days = 28 days

As the period between the beginning of pregnancy and the day of delivery is about 280 days, we can see that this value corresponds to 40 weeks.

Since a lunar month is 4 weeks, 40 weeks of pregnancy corresponds to 10 lunar months.

Now that you understand these accounts, let's move on to talking about the ninth month of pregnancy. During this period, from the 33rd lunar week to the 36th, the amniotic fluid presents its volume maximum (around one liter), and the baby fits into the mother's pelvis, in a position conducive to its birth.

As the child is likely to be born a little earlier than expected, it is interesting that the suitcase that will be taken to the maternity ward is prepared, to avoid the last minute rush. Also, stock up on diapers; make an action plan, sharing it with those who will participate in the birth, such as partner, parents, siblings and friends; and check the route that will be taken to the maternity hospital; are also good preventive measures.

Due to the high concentrations of progesterone in the body, and also because of the volume of the belly, which increases more and more, compressing the bladder; the pregnant woman, during this period, goes to the bathroom more often to pee.

She tends to be more exhausted, in pain, and also having difficulty breathing and sleeping. Much of this is related to belly bulge and weight gain, but anxiety is another contributing factor. Controlling it, and sleeping on your side, are measures that can help.

Dizziness also tends to occur, as about 1/6 of the total blood volume of the maternal body's blood is circulating there in the uterine vessels. Those painless contractions called Braxton Hicks tend to continue as well.

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Around week 35, breasts may become more swollen and painful as a result of milk production. As the space in which the baby is getting smaller and smaller, due to its growth, punches and kicks tend to cease, giving rise to maneuvers that, in many cases, even misalign the maternal belly.
By the ninth month, the baby is able to hear, feel, touch and see. The respiratory system ends the formation process; and your immune system starts to develop – which means that soon the baby will no longer need the antibodies it receives through the placenta. In addition, during this period, the child's liver is more active, storing greater amounts of iron. Therefore, it is good that pregnant women include in their diet foods such as beans, beets, meat and spinach.
Now, the future newborn is about three kilos, and 18 inches long. Due to this increase in mass, the child presents with less wrinkled skin. Your hands already grip firmly; it is able to detect light, and its pupil increases or decreases in size according to the luminous intensity.

Vernix caseosa, which is a thick, whitish, greasy substance produced by the sebaceous glands and which covers the baby's skin, tends to disappear; as well as that down found on the skin of many newborns, called lanugo. At the same time, the hair becomes more and more evident and can change color and texture.

As for the pregnant woman's diet, in addition to increasing iron intake, she should not forget to include calcium-rich foods such as milk and dairy products, fish, wheat, hazelnuts, almonds, soy and egg. They will help both in blood clotting, reducing swelling, and preventing infections and cramps. Since the intestine tends to be less active, it is also good to eat fiber-rich foods, as well as plenty of fluids.

See more!
Eighth month of pregnancy
tenth month of pregnancy

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education
Brazil School Team

Month-to-month follow-up - Pregnancy - Biology - Brazil School

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