Insect accidents and allergic reactions

Insects are a group of arthropods which stands out for its ecological dominance over other land animals. It is estimated that there are more than 751,000 different species of insects on Earth, which represents on average 53% of all beings.

Several insects pose no risk to human beings, and are even quite important for the our economic development and even to guarantee food, as they act as pollinators. Other insects, however, are capable of transmitting disease and causing some accidents.

Among the main accidents caused by insects, bee stings, ant stings, caterpillar accidents and beetle accidents stand out.
Bee sting

the bites of Bee they can pose a serious danger, especially for people who have allergic reactions. Reactions are different in each person and depend mainly on the location of the injury and the amount of stings the person took.

Usually, when taking a bee sting, the patient feels a sharp local pain that, with time, disappears. After the pain, redness, itching and swelling may appear, which can occur so intensely that it prevents the performance of some movements. In allergic individuals, complications can be more severe, as the bite can trigger headaches, dizziness, chills, tightness in the chest, general itching, difficulty breathing and swallowing, low blood pressure, palpitations and arrhythmia.

In cases where a large number of bees attack a person, a condition known as "poisoning syndrome". In these situations, the patient may experience hemolysis, renal failure, go into a coma and even die.

When a person suffers several bee stings, it is important to see a doctor to remove the stingers. Removing the stingers with tweezers can release more venom into the patient, aggravating the problem.
ant sting

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Some species of ants they cause severe allergic reactions, being especially dangerous for the elderly and children. THE wash feet, for example, stands out for the large number of accidents caused in our country.

When being stung by a foot washing ant, the patient feels local pain followed by burning and itching. Depending on the number of stings, the sensations can be more complex, causing itchiness throughout the body, swelling at the sting site, necrosis, difficulty breathing, coma and even death.

To alleviate the pain, cold compresses and some steroid ointments can be applied. It is noteworthy that the ointments should only be used with medical advice.

Lonomia caterpillars cause severe allergic reactions
The caterpillars of the genus Lonomy cause severe allergic reactions

Caterpillar Accidents

Caterpillars are the larval stage of insects of the order Lepidoptera, such as the moth. Some caterpillars have their bodies covered with bristles rich in toxins, which can trigger severe allergic reactions when in contact with the skin.

Normally, when touching a caterpillar, the person feels violent local pain that radiates to other parts of the body. The pain is often reported as a burn. In some more poisonous species, such as those of the genus Lonomy, there may be, in addition to the described, clotting disorders, bleeding gums, blood in the urine and even death. In the latter, if specific treatment is needed using the antilonomic serum.
beetle accidents

Although less frequent when compared to other insects, beetles can also eliminate substances, when touched or crushed, that trigger allergic reactions. Among the reactions, skin irritation, redness, burning, itching and the appearance of blisters in the area stand out.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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