Chromotherapy is a type of treatment that consists of using colors to cure illnesses and restore the patient's physical and emotional balance. The word comes from the Greek "khroma" which...
Vegan is who practices veganism, a lifestyle that totally excludes the consumption of any type of animal product. The main objective of the vegan person is to promote the so-called "liberation...
Fitness is a word of English origin and means "to be in good physical shape". The term is usually associated with the practice of physical activity and refers to good physical conditioning or well-being...
Gluten is a protein composed of a mixture of the proteins gliadin and glutenin, which are found naturally in the seeds of many cereals, such as wheat, barley, rye and oats. For some people, the...
Vegetables are a food group consisting of fruits, leaves, flowers, roots, tubers and stems. They are sources of essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy and balanced diet. Among...
Obesity is a term originating from the Latin obesitas which means excess fat and characterizes the fat individual, with excessive volume of the belly and other parts of the body. Also known as...
Sedentary lifestyle is the lack or reduction of physical and sports activities, which results in a reduced caloric expenditure. Sedentary lifestyle is related to high-risk health problems such as obesity and...
Nutrition is the process of providing animal and plant organisms with the nutrients necessary for life. It is also the science that investigates the relationship between the food ingested by man and the...
Proteins are essential nutrients for the human body, consisting of biological macromolecules formed by one or more chains of amino acids. More than half the dry weight of cells from all...
Sarcastic is a masculine adjective that qualifies an individual who reveals sarcasm, meaning ironic, satirical or mocking person. A sarcastic person is a person who uses irony in a way to mock...
Maranatha is an expression of Aramaic origin that, when translated into Portuguese, has a similar meaning to "come, Lord" or "our Lord comes". Etymologically, the term "maranatha" emerged...
Revival is the act of reviving, that is, becoming more alive, more active, more intense, aroused and sharp. This is a term widely used in the religious sphere to refer to the period of renewal...
Pentecostal Church is a Protestant Christian movement that emphasizes the Day of Pentecost and that has some differences compared to other denominations. The Pentecostal movement...
Pentecost is a Christian religious celebration that commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles of Jesus Christ, fifty days after Easter. Today, Pentecost is celebrated...
AM and PM (can be written in lowercase, with or without dots after the letters) are two acronyms with Latin origin used to refer to each of the two 12-hour periods into which it is divided O...