Expressions in English (7)

Definition of SWAT

SWAT stands for Special Weapons And Tactics. Portuguese), a US police group that is highly specialized and trained to act in...

meaning of pop art

Pop Art is the abbreviation in English of Popular Art ("Popular Art", in Portuguese), a movement art that emerged in the mid-1950s, with the aim of "embracing" and deconstructing images belonging...

Definition of No pain no gain

No pain no gain is an English expression whose literal translation is "no pain, no gain". It is an expression used as a motto that states that without work and dedication it is not possible to achieve...

meaning of office

Office is an English word that means office. It has its origins in the Latin officium, being related to the scope of work. An office is a place, a room, a set of rooms or a building with the...

Definition of MMO

MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online. literal) and represents an online game mode, where multiple players compete and interact with the same...

meaning of groove

Groove is an English word meaning groove or groove. It's often used in the context of music, indicating when sounds fit or match satisfactorily. In the specific case of the battery, the...

meaning of hang loose

Hang loose is an English expression and a body sign (made with the hands), used in a informal conversation to say that "it's ok", "everything is calm", "everything in peace" or that "the situation it is under...

Definition of Overbooking

Overbooking is an expression in English that means overbooking, which happens when the sale or booking tickets or tickets is above the number of seats actually available in the vehicle or...

Definition of Check-in

Check-in is an English word that refers to the act of checking in, opening an account, confirming presence in a place, registering or requesting the initiation of some type of process. Normally, check-in is...

Definition of Twerk

Twerk or Twerking is an English word, considered a contraction of the term footwork (a style of dance concentrated in the movement of the feet) or formed by the joining of the words "twist" (twist, to spin)...

Definition of Ownership

Ownership is an English word that means the state or act of owning something. It is synonymous with ownership, possession or domain. The word ownership is formed by owner (which means...

Definition of Royalties

Royalties is an English word that means perk or privilege. It consists of an amount that is paid by someone to the owner for the right to use, explore or market a product, work,...

meaning of rock

Rock is an English word that means rock or stone. It is also a word used to describe a musical style, rock and roll. Although most of the time it is used as a noun,...

Definition of Black Friday

In 2021, Black Friday will be held on November 26th. The date is always celebrated on the fourth Friday of November. On that day, several stores in Brazil and around the world have great discounts,...

meaning of hacker

Hacker is an English word from the computer field that indicates a person who has an interest and good knowledge in this area, being able to hack (a modification) in some system...

Expressions in English (18)

Definition of Game OverGame over is an English expression that literally means “game over”. Usual...

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Latest Meanings (24)

Meaning of Language FiguresFigures of speech are resources used in speech or writing to make the ...

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Latest Meanings (25)

Brazilian cultureBrazilian culture is represented by the set of traditions, cultural manifestatio...

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