Without further ado is a popular expression that conveys the idea of no longer waiting for something, avoiding getting ahead of a certain subject and getting straight to the point, without delays or breaks. The word delay is...
“Half pigeon” is a meme used to express the idea of something boring, unexciting, bad and uninteresting. This expression became a meme from a phrase said by the character Jessica, in a...
Oops is an interjection of amazement. It is also the acronym for Public Offer for Acquisition. See the meaning of Public Offer for Acquisition. The interjection oops is used to react to something that was said...
Moral is a Brazilian slang that can have different interpretations, depending on the region in which it is used, such as: "please", "no problems", "quiet" or "good". This expression...
Lacrou is a slang that corresponds to a compliment for someone who did very well at something, who left others speechless or unresponsive. Whoever sealed it left no room for them to speak badly, I mean that that...
Ah is an interjection that can express a wide range of meanings, such as joy, admiration, amazement, irony, desire, among others. In the phrase "ah, what a fright" the ah is a sound mark of the astonishment caused...
The expression bland refers to what is not pleasing, not funny, and not attention-grabbing. It also corresponds to what does not displease, does not generate disgust. It is closer to indifferent,...
The expression at ease means without restrictions, when there is freedom of action. When a person is feeling good in the clothes he is wearing, in the place where he is, or in the position he occupies, he...
Like is a verb that means to approve, like, enjoy something or someone. As in "enjoying life", which means enjoying the good moments of life. The term became popular with Facebook adoption...
The expression "the reciprocal is true" is used when one person wants to demonstrate that he feels the same way about another person. For example, when a friend says to a friend "our friendship is very...
Dating anniversaries are names given to the celebration of a certain time when two people are dating. When two people celebrate their wedding anniversary, they usually use some element of the wedding in...
Unintentionally is an expression in the Portuguese language used to emphasize that a certain act was done accidentally, that is, without will, interest and prior planning. When we analyze the...
Bon vivant is a French expression that means “good life” or that qualifies a certain individual as “a lover of the pleasures of life”. The expression bon vivant can also be related to everything...
Falling into the arms of Morpheus is a popular expression that can be interpreted as the desire to fall asleep in a deep sleep. This expression originated from the mythological figure of the Greek god Morpheus,...
Cruz credo is an expression of interjection used to express fear, disgust or disgust at something or something. Originated from Christian and mainly Catholic culture and principles, the...