Hospital speech therapy and Home Care

Hospital and Home Care speech therapy has been the subject of discussion. Doubts arise about the difference between clinical and hospital performance, as well as the work methodology to be applied, together with the special preparation for such care.
When referring to hospital speech therapy, it should be clarified that it is not just about care in the hospital environment, but also the Home Care service (this term originates from the English language which means 'home care') and which in practice refers to care home.

Speech therapy has been consolidated and created its own identity, as it is a science. But it still faces acceptance, especially in the hospital environment and at home. In fact, the speech therapist has its space in these environments, however, it is little recognized and professionally valued.
Despite the knowledge that the presence and performance of this professional can reduce the losses and damages that the hospitalization of the patient entails, institutions do not offer opportunities for the professional to play their role contributing to the improvement of the patient.

Speech therapy has been considered an effective profession that integrates the various areas that aim to promote the health of the individual as a whole. Based on this assumption, it is essential to clarify the importance of this professional and the differentiation of care in relation to the environment. For example, when it comes to the hospital environment and Home Care compared to the clinic, the difference is not due to the environments, but yes, by the procedures that are applied at the time of rehabilitation, in the handling of equipment and the type of language that is used.

Professionals who work in the hospital environment and in home care are practically required to learn how to handle probes, cannulas, tracheostomies, equipment (respirators, oximeters, incubators, aspirators), with some differential details, compared to clinical speech therapist.

To professionals who work or are interested in working in this area, specifically in hospital care and at home care, it is recommended that they strive to disseminate and raise awareness among health professionals and society as a whole. Show the benefits that the professional can offer both the institution and the patient, conveying the importance to colleagues in the profession the search for mutual growth, making speech therapy a differentiated profession in the sense of providing a significant evolution in the patient.

By Elen Cristine M.Campos Caiado
Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy

Source: Brazil School -

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