Maine. Maine Features

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Maine is the northernmost state in the United States, located in the far northeast of the country, a region known as New England. It borders Canada to the north and east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. To the east, Maine borders Canada and the American state of New Hampshire.

The State of Maine has always been disputed by the French and the British. As a result of these wars, England was forced to create more taxes and prohibit trade between the American colonies and other countries. This resulted in great discontent in all thirteen colonies. After the US War of Independence, the State of Maine continued to be part of Massachusetts, having been transformed into the twenty-third US state only on March 15, 1820.

About 90% of the entire territory of the State is covered by forests. One consequence of this is the fact that it is the national leader in the timber industry. Tourism and fishing are other sectors that contribute significantly to the State's economy.

The climate in Maine is temperate, with mild summers (average 19ºC) and very cold winters (average -15.5ºC). The state capital is Augusta, while the largest city is Portland, a city well known for its historic old port.

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