September 21 – Arbor Day

Tree Day is celebrated in Brazil on September 21st and its main objective is to raise awareness about the preservation of this valuable asset. The date, which is different in other parts of the world, was chosen because of the beginning of the spring, which starts on September 23 in the southern hemisphere.

Read too: June 5th — World Environment Day

How important is the tree?

the tree is a great symbol of nature and is one of the most important natural resources that we have. The various existing tree species are fundamental to life on Earth because:

  • increase the air humidity thanks to evapotranspiration;
  • avoid erosions;
  • produce oxygen in the process of photosynthesis;
  • reduce the temperature;
  • provide shade and shelter for some animal species.

In addition, among the various existing tree species, there are several fruit plants, such as mango, lemon, guava, avocado, peach and orange trees.

In addition to producing food, trees also have other economic applications. The wood they produce serves as raw material for the creation of furniture and even houses. THE

cellulose extracted from these plants, mainly pine and eucalyptus, is fundamental for the production of paper. In addition, some species have applicability in the pharmaceutical industry because they have important compounds.

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What is the purpose of Arbor Day?

Due to the large number of uses and urban expansion, trees are constantly exterminated, which results in large deforested areas. O logging it directly affects the life of the entire population, which now faces erosion, siltation of rivers, reduced rainfall and relative humidity, desertification and loss of biodiversity.

Arbor Day is celebrated on September 21st.
Arbor Day is celebrated on September 21st.

Therefore, the 21st of September should be seen as a day of reflection on our attitudes towards this important natural wealth. This day is much more than the symbolic act of planting a tree and should be seen as a moment of change in attitude and awareness that our actions affect future generations. It is also important to be aware of the importance of conservation, as well as the need to create public policies to combat illegal logging of trees.

See too: March 22 – World Water Day


Each region of our country has a different symbol tree. Watch:

  • Symbol tree of the North region – Brazil nut;
  • Symbol tree of the Northeast region – carnauba;
  • Symbol tree of the Midwest region – yellow ipe;
  • Symbol tree of the Southeast region – pau-brasil;
  • Symbol tree of the South region – araucaria.

- On March 21st, World Arbor Day is celebrated.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "September 21 – Arbor Day"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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