On August 11th, the Student's day, a tribute to this noble and important office in the lives of all people. The choice of August 11 took place during the centenary of the foundation of the Law course in Olinda and São Paulo, which was done by decree of d. Pedro I in 1827.
Accessalso: August 22 - Folklore Day
Importance of studying
The act of studying is something that we take for a lifetime, because our process of development and training as human beings necessarily passes through it. Many believe that studying is something just for children and young people, but studying is crucial in our education as citizens and people as well as in our development as professionals, being a practice that should be to be continued.
As citizens we can learn the importance of coexistence in society and be able to understand certain social problems and, in some cases, even propose solutions for them. Studying also helps us to
better understand the world and all cultural diversity. that exists in it.Finally, but no less important than any of the other uses of the study, is the possibility that this action gives us in relation to a professional future. Studying guarantees us training in a trade that, in addition to providing our livelihood, can be a differential in our lives.
So, we realize that studying is something very important and we should take it as a habit., after all, it is necessary to always be updated in relation to the knowledge produced and what happens in the world. We will be in the student position for most of our lives, so it is only fair that there is a day to honor her.
Student's day
In Brazil the Student Day is celebrated on August 11th, but do you know why this celebration is on that day? Well, the date of Student's Day is related to the imperial decree of d. Pedro, Emperor of Brazil from 1822 to 1831, in a period known as first reign.
This decree was issued on August 11, 1827 and dealt with the creation of the law course in São Paulo, in the state of São Paulo, and in Olinda, in Pernambuco. At the time, Brazil did not have any institution that offered higher education in Law and those interested should move to Portugal if they wanted to take this course.
The two colleges were marked in Brazilian history because they were the first of their kind in the country, which, in the 19th century, only had courses in Medicine, in Rio de Janeiro, and Surgery, in Salvador. The Law courses in São Paulo and Olinda helped in training of intellectuals who were important in Brazilian society throughout the 19th century and both still exist today.
The 11th of August is considered as their foundation date due to the decree, but the Law course in São Paulo came into operation on March 1, 1828, and, in Olinda, academic activities began on May 15, 1828.
One hundred years later, on August 11, 1927, celebrations were held to commemorate the centenary of the two courses, and during them, the lawyer Celso Gand Ley suggested that August 11 be converted into a day of honor for the student.
The suggestion ended up "catching" and the date became known here as Student Day. Ten years after Gand Ley's suggestion, the National Student Union, the UNE. The foundation of UNE took place on August 11, 1937, and this institution was created with the aim of fighting to guarantee the interests of higher education students in Brazil.
Accessalso: October 15th - Teacher's Day
Is there a Student Day outside Brazil?
Yes there is. Outside Brazil there is a commemorative date called International Student Day, and it is held annually in November 17th. This date was chosen in honor of students who fought against the invasion of Nazis in Czechoslovakia during the Second World War.
Image credits
[1] Alf Ribeiro and Shutterstock