On April 22, we celebrate the Earth's Day, the day when we must show all our love for planetwhere we live. This date was celebrated for the first time in the year of 1970, in the United States, and, later, several countries, including Brazil, included this date in their commemorations.
Although April 22 is a milestone date, we must not forget that every day we must take care of our planet.Even if large demonstrations and joint actions are needed to save the Earth from the harmful activities of man, we can do our part individually. For this, we must adopt habits such as recycling our garbage, not throwing garbage in the streets and saving water and energy.
Read too: 10 ways to preserve the environment
Origin of Earth Day
Earth Day emerged in 1970, when the then US senator gaylord nelson it called a large protest in the United States to raise the visibility of problems such as environmental pollution. The idea came after the senator witnessed the great devastation caused by an oil spill in California in 1969.
The date chosen for the protest was April 22nd, that it was a date between spring break and final exams in the country. On the appointed day, nearly 20 million Americans answered the call and attended the various events that took place on the date. This historic milestone was essential for several laws related to the environment approved in the United States.
In 1990, Earth Day began to take place in various parts of the world. It was no longer a local event, but an important date across the planet. That year, Earth Day was celebrated in 141 countries and nearly 200 million people mobilized to debate important environmental issues.
Read too: June 5 – Environment Day
Why should we take care of our planet?
Planet Earth is the home to humans and many other species. It is from the Earth that we take essential resources for our survival and that guarantee various economic activities. Taking care of the planet is fundamental, therefore, to guarantee the population's quality of life and also a healthy environment for the various species that live on it.
Today we know that, unfortunately, human actions are responsible for a series of processes that degrade the environment. We are responsible, for example, for the pollution of rivers, seas, lakes, ground and air, by the occurrence of erosions, by the extinction of species and by the destruction of the habitat of several animals. Evidence suggests that we are also contributing to the occurrence of climate changes through the release of gases that intensify the call greenhouse effect. As a result of climate change, we have rising sea levels, changes in the rainfall regime, extreme droughts in some regions, in addition to the death of several species.
Given this situation, the need for actions by various sectors of society in order to create measures to preserve the environment is clear. However, we also cannot forget to do our part to take care of the Earth. Some individual measures that can and should be taken on a daily basis are:
Save water: To save water, you can, for example, reduce bathing time, water the plants always in the early morning or at the end of the day, reuse rain and washing machine water, never leave the tap on when brushing your teeth and never wash the sidewalks using hoses.
Save energy: To save energy, some measures that can be taken are never to leave light bulbs on in places where there are no people, purchase LED lamps, reduce bathing time, turn off unused electronics and don't leave electronics in mode stand-by.
Use the car less: As we know, the car eliminates polluting gases due to burning fuel, so measures how to use bicycles, walking and using public transport (which takes more people) help to avoid pollution.
Reduce plastic consumption: As we know, plastic is a big pollutant and takes a long time years to decompose in half environment.
Carry out the separation of organic and recyclable waste: When we recycle our waste, we contribute to the reduction of waste released into the environment and also to the protection of our natural resources.
Avoid consumerism and buy only what you need.
When buying a product, choose brands that care about the environment.
spread your knowledge about the importance of taking care of the environment for other people.