Cancer: causes, types, treatment and prevention

Cancer is the name given to a group of diseases that are characterized by the disorderly growth and uncontrollable cells. This cell growth leads to formation of tumors, which can spread and reach other parts of the body, even distant from the original region of the tumor, a process known as metastasis.

Read too: Is a tumor cancer?

How does cancer arise?

Cancer starts after a change in the DNA gives cell, more precisely a change in calls proto-oncogenes. When these genes are turned on, they become oncogenes that can lead to the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells. This causes the cell to grow in a disorderly way.

According to the National Cancer Institute (Inca), the formation process of cancer can be divided into three steps:

When specific genes are turned on, the cell starts to multiply in a disorderly way.
When specific genes are turned on, the cell starts to multiply in a disorderly way.

  1. Initiation: When changes in specific genes are observed due to the action of carcinogens. At this stage, the cells are prepared for the development of the next stage, and these are already genetically altered.

  2. Promotion: When cells prepared in the previous stage will undergo the action of agents called oncopromoters, and, slowly, these cells will be transformed into malignant cells. This transformation is directly related to the period of exposure to the promoting agent.

  3. Progression: When we have the uncontrolled multiplication of cells that have undergone alteration. At that moment it is considered that the cancer is installed.

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Different factors can contribute to the development of cancer. factors being external or internal to the organism. When we refer to internal factors, it is said, mainly, of the genetic factors. The external factors are related, for example, to the life habits and substances to which we are exposed during the life.

Here are some agents (already well known) that are associated with the development of some types of cancer:

Cigarettes are related to the development of lung cancer.
Cigarettes are related to the development of lung cancer.

  • Cigarette: It is an agent that is related to the development of lung cancer. According to the Oncoguia Institute, the smoking is related to the emergence of 90% of lung cancer cases, in addition, smokers have about 20 times the risk of developing the disease.

  • Improper sun exposure: It may be responsible for the development of skin cancer.

  • Some viruses: O HPV it is a virus related, for example, to the development of cervical cancer and penile cancer, and is mainly transmitted sexually.

  • Alcoholic beverages: The consumption of alcoholic beverages is associated with several types of cancer, such as cancer of the mouth, larynx, stomach and liver.

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Types of cancer

There are more than 100 types different types of cancer, each presenting a specific developmental feature and symptoms. Let's look at some known types of cancer:

  • mouth cancer

  • Colorectal cancer

  • cervical cancer

  • esophageal cancer

  • stomach cancer

  • liver cancer

  • laryngeal cancer

  • Leukemia

  • Lymphoma of Hodgkin

  • Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

  • Breast cancer

  • Ovarian cancer

  • pancreatic cancer

  • Skin cancer melanoma

  • Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer

  • penile cancer

  • Prostate cancer

  • lung cancer


Cancer is a disease that needs quick diagnosis so that the chances of cure are greater. When we discover cancer in its early stages, the treatment is more likely to succeed, so routine appointments become essential.

It is noteworthy that some signs and symptoms may suggest the presence of cancer, but only one a trained professional is able to identify them and suggest more accurate tests to diagnose the problem. Therefore, it is always important. consult a doctor when we realize that something is going wrong in our body.

Mammography is an important way to diagnose breast cancer.
Mammography is an important way to diagnose breast cancer.

Some types of cancer are tracked, that is, exams are performed even if there are no signs and symptoms of the disease. This is the case, for example, with the cervical cancer and breast cancer.

To identify cervical cancer, the woman undergoes an exam known as pap smears, which aims to identify changes in the cells of the neck of the uterus. Breast cancer, on the other hand, is screened mainly through clinical examinations, mammography and ultrasound.

Read too:male breast cancer


Cancer treatment depends on a number of factors, such as health condition of the patient and disease stage. Each treatment, therefore, will be individualized, which means that two patients with the same type of cancer can have different treatments.

Among the main forms of cancer treatment we can mention:

  • Radiotherapy: In radiotherapy, radiation is used to ensure that a tumor is destroyed or prevents it from growing in size. Radiotherapy can be done in two ways: external radiotherapy - the radiation is emitted by a device located far from the patient — or brachytherapy — the applicator is placed on the site to be treated and a device emits radiation to the appliers.

  • Chemotherapy: In chemotherapy drugs will be used in order to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy can be given orally, intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, over the skin or via the spine. This treatment can cause side effects such as hair loss, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, among others.

  • Surgery: In the case of surgery, the removal of the tumor by a surgical procedure is observed. The surgery is intended to ensure the complete removal of the tumor and cure of the disease, or it presents palliative purpose, being in the latter case responsible for trying to reduce the number of cancer cells or some symptoms. Surgery can, for example, be used to decompress some important structures for the body.

  • Bone marrow transplant: This procedure is done to treat diseases that affect blood cells, such as leukemia. To do this, it is necessary to find a compatible donor.

Read too:Advances in cancer treatment


cancer presents different causesTherefore, to prevent it we must avoid the factors that can provoke it. In general, we must show an improvement in our lifestyle habits, adopting a healthier routine. Check out some habits that can help prevent cancer:

  • Have one healthy eating;

  • Do not use cigarette, as this presents a series of substances that have been proven to be carcinogenic;

  • Practice physical activities every day;

  • Use condoms in all sexual relations;

  • Do not expose yourself to the sun without proper protection;

  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages.

World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day, celebrated on February 4th, is a date created in the year 2000 with the purpose of providing relevant information about of cancer to the population and also to pressure governments to adopt measures to reduce the number of cancer cases in the world. Each year, a new theme is proposed. In 2019, for example, the campaign “I am and I will", which will last for three years and its objective is to show that each person has the power to reduce the impact that cancer has on society. It is important to highlight that World Cancer Day is a way to make people aware of this disease and, therefore, an important way to reduce deaths as a result of it.

By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

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