Latest Meanings (4)

Scientific Article: what it is and definition of a scientific article

Scientific article is an academic publication of declared authorship that presents and discusses results, ideas, methods, techniques and processes produced in a given scientific research produced...

Definition of Monograph

Monograph is a dissertation or scientific thesis that is intended to study a specific subject, usually presented as an undergraduate and graduate course conclusion work...

Example of scientific article formatting according to ABNT standards

The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT, among other attributions, is responsible for standardizing the formatting of technical documents, aiming to facilitate their understanding and access to...

scientific text

A scientific text is a textual production, a written narrative that addresses some concept or theory, based on scientific knowledge through scientific language. A scientific text is...

Definition of NIT

NIT is an acronym that stands for Worker Identification Number. It is a number assigned by Social Security to every citizen who intends to register in the General Social Security System...

Meaning of Emancipated

Emancipated means free, independent. It is what has been released from certain submission, sovereignty and intolerance. Emancipated is one who has acquired emancipation and is responsible for their own...

Thermal energy

Thermal energy is a form of energy that is related to high temperatures and heat. Thermal energy is formed as a consequence of the kinetic energy (motion) of molecules and...

Definition of Morbimortality

Morbimortality is a medical concept that refers to the rate of people killed as a result of a specific disease within a given population group. The formation of the concept of...

Characteristics of the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire lasted from 27 a. Ç. – 476 d. Ç. During this period, power was exercised by the emperors. There was also the senate, provincial governors and generals. The first centuries of...

Principles of proportionality and reasonableness

The principles of proportionality and reasonableness direct the application of the legal system so that it meets the specific situation in an adequate and proportional way. The principles of...

Meaning of Constitutional Principles

Constitutional principles are values ​​that are explicitly or implicitly present in the constitution of a country, and that guide the application of the law as a whole. Considering that the constitution is the...

Meaning of the Principle of Legality

The principle of legality is a legal concept part of the fundamental rights and guarantees of the individual, and establishes that there is no crime if it is not provided for by law. The word principle means...


Socialism is a political and economic doctrine that emerged at the end of the 18th century and is characterized by by the idea of ​​transforming society by limiting the right to private property, of...

Difference between Capitalism and Socialism

Capitalism and socialism are two political-economic systems that are opposites. Socialism consists of a theory, doctrine or social practice that proposes the public appropriation of the means of production...

What is Folklore

Folklore is the set of traditions and popular manifestations made up of legends, myths, proverbs, dances and customs that are passed from generation to generation. The word originates in English, in...

Popular Meanings (215)

Definition of Laissez-faireLaissez-faire is a French expression that literally means "letting go"...

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Popular Meanings (217)

Definition of PoltergeistPoltergeist is considered a supernatural phenomenon, characterized by ph...

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Popular Meanings (218)

Characteristics of ExpressionismExpressionism was an artistic movement through which authors expr...

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