Various forms of language. Different uses of language

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An informal chat with friends, a graduation speech, that language, so to speak, different from yours, witnessed on that trip unforgettable, the everyday conversation he makes with friends electronically, which although frag-men-ta-da, it doesn't matter, is the language of the same form.

As you can see, the cases above illustrate that, on a daily basis, we position ourselves as issuers, as well as that of receivers, making use of different languages, all of them adapting to the context communicative. Well, based on these assumptions, which, as users of the language, we cannot discard, we formalize conceived purposes as relevant, since the section, which you will share from now on, addresses these aspects, taking into account that at varied forms of language they constitute our stay in the social environment.

In this sense, friend (a) user (a), you will understand why we make use of a formal language, given that the context in which we are inserted requires us to adapt to the communicative situation – which makes us aware that there is a model taken as a standard. You will also notice that, in the midst of social interaction, some words, even if not dictionized, will be present. Of course! O

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s neologisms they don't just exist because they exist.

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the foreignisms... Ah! They don't even talk! Because we just have to cross the street to find that store whose corporate name is demarcated not by the Brazilian way of expressing themselves, but by the way imported from another country - a fact that represents the many foreignisms with which we live, those such as “fast-food”, “happy-hour”, not to mention the others... that would take some time.

Returning to that trip, it may be that the findings were materialized by some examples, such as “bergamot”, “gossip”, “cassava”, “cassava”... not to mention the others, understand? They, only they, represent the regionalisms, clear!

Finally, you will also find that sometimes, not infrequently, by the way, you will use a more laid-back, more relaxed language, all because the Informal language it also guides our steps, of course.

As noted, all these situations are constituted by characteristics, by linguistic marks that are specific to them, which, in detail, will be found here portrayed, through this section, specially prepared for you!!!

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
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