Injunctive and Prescriptive Texts

Consult a medicine leaflet, use a cooking recipe, pay more effective attention to the notice of a competition, anyway... situations like these denounce the many positions taken by language users and make the notion of textual genres become increasingly relevant and more materialized, given the condition that such genres represent different circumstances of communication to which we are subjected on a daily basis.

So, immersed in this universe of language, let's say, these situations prove to us that everything we write and say in a verbal form it has an end in itself, that is, all our sayings have a purpose, a specific objective. From this objective come the many types of texts: sometimes moving towards the act of narrating, now leaning towards the act of describing, towards the act of arguing, exposing and why not say instruct? Yes, instruct, as it is from this intention that our objectives depart when we establish this dialogue with you, dear user. Some examples of this modality previously checked, as soon as we started our conversation, but we still need to provide ourselves with more information and, therefore, we will check about the points that demarcate

the so-called injunctive texts and prescriptive texts, in order to make explicit the characteristics that are attributed to each of these modalities. So here they are:

With regard to the injunctive texts, it should be noted that they no longer bring in their essence such a coercive nature, unlike what happens in the so-called prescriptive texts, given that they only induce the interlocutor to proceed in this or that way. In this sense, it becomes possible to substitute a certain procedure for another, as it is materialized, for example, with the ingredients of a cooking recipe, which can be replaced by others, depending on the choice of who uses them. So, let's see examples of the modality in question:

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# Instructions materialized through a cooking recipe;

# Speech manifested through an instruction manual;

# The message revealed by most self-help books.

Prescriptive texts, literally referring us to the notion of prescribing, they are characterized by something that must be strictly adhered to, whose instructions are unquestionable, that is, we must follow them “to the letter”, specifically saying. Therefore, it is an imposition of a coercive nature, whose representative cases can be demarcated as follows:

* The speeches revealed in the articles of the Constitution or the Code of Criminal Procedure;

* Rules given by grammatical assumptions;

* The clauses governed by a given contract;

* Instructions expressed in most public procurement notices.

Here, then, are the differences that are present in both modalities.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Injunctive and Prescriptive Texts"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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