Clove and Clove: meaning and characteristics

O clove is the carnation flower, whose scientific name is dianthus caryophyllus, which belongs to the genus dianthus and the family Caryophyllaceae. This plant can reach up to a meter in height and there are around 300 species of carnations, many of which have emerged thanks to genetic manipulation. This flower is easy to grow and has a mild aroma, which is often used to make perfumes.

carnation flower

yellow carnation

The carnation is a flower originating in southern Europe and can be pink, purple, red, white or yellow. For cultivation, carnations need clay-rich soil, mixed with a little manure, vegetable fertilizer and sand. It is common to see a carnation on the lapel of brides and grooms at traditional weddings.

In Ancient Greece, carnation wreaths were used in ceremonies. At the time of the Renaissance, carnations were synonymous with marital fidelity. According to popular belief, the different colors of carnations can have meanings that are attributed to feelings and emotions, such as:

  • white carnations: associated with pure love, talent, good luck, innocence.
  • red carnations: means respect, love and passion. It is offered as a token of admiration.
  • pink carnations: refers to happiness and gratitude. When it's offered to someone, it means you always remember that person.
  • purple carnations: means loneliness, inconstancy, absence of whimsy.
  • yellow carnations: although they mean rejection and disdain, when integrated into an arrangement of many bright colors, it means joy and liveliness.

This flower, cultivated since ancient times, has great symbolic and historical value. In Portugal, the red carnation is the symbol of the Carnation Revolution, which took place on April 25, 1974, a date celebrated every year and known as Freedom Day. According to Anna Jarvis, founder of Mother's Day in the United States, a pink carnation is the symbol of mothers in life and the white carnation the symbol of mothers who are gone.



The clove, also known as cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) is a tree originally from Indonesia, more specifically from the Moluccas Islands. Cloves are also cultivated on islands such as Madagascar and Grenada.

It was one of the most sought after spices in the Age of Discovery. With the arrival of the Portuguese to the seas of India, cloves became one of the most economically profitable goods at that time.

Since ancient times, the flower bud of cloves, after drying, has been used in cooking and in the manufacture of medicines. Its oil, for having antiseptic properties, is used in dentistry.

Blackheads and pimples

In the context of medicine, a carnation is a concentration of fat that clogs skin pores and it turns black on the surface due to dust. It is usually caused by an excess of sebum secretion. When an infection occurs, a blackhead turns into a pimple.

Musical instrument

The harpsichord is also a stringed and keyboard instrument in the shape of a bird's wing (hence its German name, Flugel), whose strings are plucked by means of feather tips. The harpsichord was used as a solo instrument, especially between the 16th and 18th centuries. From 1750 it was replaced by the forte-piano.

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