Organized crime. what is organized crime

The literal definition of crime is that of all deviant behavior that break or trespass O code of written laws in force of a nation. We commonly refer to actions committed by one or a small group of individuals, with little or no preparation, taking advantage of a specific moment and aiming at an immediate benefit and, generally, in small scale.

However, we can observe the existence of organizations and groups that establish themselves in the practice of crime with such preparation and mastery that, in some cases, they manage to pass themselves off as organizations legitimate. These are the groups dedicated to criminal activities that fall under the category of "organized crime". Of these, the most used example when referring to this type of crime is drug trafficking, but it is not the only one. Activities such as illegal gambling, smuggling and large-scale robberies are all criminal activities that require great preparation and cooperation of the people involved so they can settle down; and this is the main feature of organized crime: systematic cooperation between the parties involved.

The classic example of an organized group dedicated to the practice of illegal activities is the famous Italian mafia, which was active between the 1930s and 1960s. The criminal group was formed by Italian immigrant families who arrived in the United States and who previously had the idea of ​​a “family” group formed. One of the most famous groups calls themselves “cosa nostra”, which still exists and operates in the criminal world of the United States.

THE violence is closely linked to the world of organized crime, being one of the tools used to maintain its existence. The cooperation of institutional bodies, whether through omission or corruption, is also a determining factor.

It is common sense to relate crime and its incidence to the economic reality and educational level of a region or an individual. However, although they are related and can become one of the aggravating factors in the incidence of criminal acts in a region, they are not determining factors. So-called “white-collar crimes” are usually committed by highly specialized individuals with a high level of formal education. They have direct contact with media or influential people in the political and economic scenarios, and therefore manage to manipulate institutional rules for their own benefit.

Money laundering is one of the most common activities within the world of organized crime.
Money laundering is one of the most common activities within the world of organized crime.

THE "money laundry” is one of the main activities linked to organized crime. It consists of exchanging “dirty” money obtained through crime for investments in “clean” and legal sources of income. That is, the money obtained illegally is used in legal investments, so that the criminal group continues to earn income from the “dirty” money, but without the risks associated with crime.

by Lucas Oliveira
Graduated in Sociology

Source: Brazil School -

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