What is plankton?

O plankton it is composed of organisms that are suspended in water and includes photosynthetic beings and small animals. O term plankton, from the greek planktos, means “wandering” and portrays this group of organisms well, since they live in suspension in water.

we call phytoplankton the group formed by planktonic algae and cyanobacteria. Animals, like crustaceans and insect larvae, we call zooplankton. All these beings have characteristics that allow life in plankton, such as the shape of the body to the flotation, which is necessary because they move according to the movement of the current of Water.

Plankton is very important for life on the planet. Phytoplankton, through the process of photosynthesis and calcification, is capable of removing large amounts of CO2 of the atmosphere. These organisms fix CO2 in photosynthesis and enable the formation of calcium carbonate, which is then deposited on top of the phytoplankton in the form of small scales. Furthermore, by carrying out photosynthesis, they are contributing to the production of atmospheric oxygen.

In addition to this important role in CO capture2 atmospheric and O release2, phytoplankton is a base in the trophic chain of aquatic communities. Phytoplankton serve as food for zooplankton. But it's not just small animals that feed on plankton, there are some species of whales and whale sharks that also feed on these organisms. These animals eat large amounts of these living beings through filtration.

It is interesting to note that much of the zooplankton is transparent, which makes it difficult for predators to see it. Another interesting feature is bioluminescence, whose function is not yet well understood, but it is possibly related to defense, since luminosity can confuse the predator.

We can classify plankton animals according to how long they live in them. We call holoplankton or permanent zooplankton those that spend their entire life cycle in plankton. Those that pass only some phase, such as insect larvae, are called meroplankton or temporary zooplankton.

Several factors can influence the amount of plankton in a region, which can change due to seasonal variations and predation, for example. In relation to marine plankton, it is observed that the number of zooplankton species is greater in the open ocean when compared to coastal areas. However, in more coastal areas, a greater number of individuals is found.

Man also influences the amount of plankton. Through the pollution of aquatic environments, man can cause an accelerated increase in some algae, which is called flowering. This process can be observed by changing the color of the water. Importantly, some blooms are toxic and that some toxins released by some algae can lead to death.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/biologia/o-que-e-plancton.htm

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