Alcohol. Effects and Consequences of Alcohol

The main agent of alcohol is ethanol (ethyl alcohol). Alcohol consumption is old, beverages such as wine and beer had low alcohol content, as they went through the fermentation process. Other types of alcoholic beverages appeared later, with the process of distillation.
Although alcohol has great social acceptance and its consumption is encouraged by society, it is a psychotropic drug that acts on the central nervous system, which can cause dependence and change in the behavior.
When consumed in excess, alcohol is seen as a health problem, as this excess can be linked to traffic accidents, violence and alcoholism (dependence).
The effects of alcohol are perceived in two periods, one that stimulates and one that depresses. In the first period, euphoria and disinhibition can occur. In the second moment, there is lack of control, lack of motor coordination and sleep. The acute effects of alcohol consumption are felt in organs such as the liver, heart, vessels and stomach.
In case of suspension of consumption, the withdrawal syndrome may also occur, characterized by mental confusion, visions, anxiety, tremors and convulsions.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Patricia Lopes
Brazil School Team

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ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Alcohol"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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