Begonia is the designation common to several species of begoniaceous plants, of the genus Begonia. It's an ornamental plant,highly appreciated for the beauty of its flowers and leaves. It has the non-thermal property and is cultivated in the shade, in gardens or greenhouses.
The begonia flower means happiness, delicacy and warmth, it is also suitable for lovers in love, as they are associated with the innocence and loyalty of true love. Regarding the Feng Shui, the begonia is a symbol of fertility.
There are more than a thousand species of begonias, and they are very appreciated for their flowers that are very characteristic, with beautiful colors. The rex begonia, for example, has large-sized leaves with a special color, which is usually pink or bright brown.
Although the leaves play a major role in begonias, some species are known for their flowers, such as the species Begonia Elatior, Begonia Cucullata and Begonia Tuberosa. The flowers of these species range from white to red. The flowers of the begonia are beautiful, folded and compact, and may also be yellow and salmon in color. The best known variety of begonia is perhaps the "ever-flowering begonia" (
begonia semperflorens) which has the characteristic of blooming throughout the year.The begonia originated in tropical America and for this reason prefers a tropical climate. The Brazilian climate favors its development and begonia blooms easily, especially in the south, where the climate is milder.
In Germany there is a variety of begonia called merry christmas (Merry Christmas), and as its name implies, is usually offered as a Christmas gift.