Water, limited wealth

Composed of two atoms of hydrogen (H) and one of oxygen (O), forming the molecule of H2O, water is the main substance for the maintenance of life in all species. It corresponds to approximately 70% of the Earth's surface and can be found in three physical states: solid (glaciers), liquid (oceans and rivers) and gaseous (water vapour).

Despite the abundance of water on planet Earth, it is important to emphasize that this natural resource should have its use rationalized, since its quantity and quality are being drastically affected by human actions, especially by industrial activities, urban expansion, agriculture, mining, etc. This scenario is responsible for water pollution (water pollution), reaching surface waters and the water table, a fact that triggers the death of aquatic fauna and generates disturbances for the population.

However, factories and industries are not the only ones responsible for reducing the availability of drinking water, as the population, through waste, also contributes to this process. Therefore, it is important to change habits to preserve the planet's most valuable asset:

- Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth;

- Reduce time during showering;

- Finish with the drip drip from the faucet;
- Reduce domestic consumption of drinking water;

- Reuse the water to carry out other activities, such as washing the porch;

- Do not wash sidewalks using drinking water;

- Never throw garbage in rivers, lakes, seas, etc.

We must be aware that there is a limit on potable water on the planet and that this resource is essential for the maintenance and development of life. Therefore, we have to fight for the preservation of the quantity and quality of water, changing our habits, demanding environmental sanitation policies from the governments, opting for biodegradable products, among other aspects that can contribute to providing good quality water for this and future generations.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/agua-uma-riqueza-limitada.htm

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