5 post-crisis trends

Nova Educa is an educational consultancy that will bring tips so that young people can, from an early age, learn to innovate and be an entrepreneur, discovering countless possibilities for building a future promising.

To understand a little about the current moment, it is important to highlight a sentence said by Vladimir Lenin: "Nothing has happened for decades. And weeks that decades pass.” Understanding the current scenario is very complicated, because it is not possible to predict resumption, end of contamination, financial impact and, above all, the future of society.

What will the new behaviors be? To try to answer, it is important to know a little "trend", a calculation or an equation based on what is happening, analyzing the past and trying to reach a conclusion about the future. We can already say that it is not accurate and not 100% safe, but it is certainly can bring a little insight to new businesses. We will try to present in a simple way some things that should happen in the post-pandemic.

During crises it is essential to carefully observe conditions in order to spot trends and make a good bet for a new business.
During crises it is essential to carefully observe conditions in order to spot trends and make a good bet for a new business.

5 post-crisis trends

1. Fashion

It is already clear that a new product was born, and that will stay on the shelves, or rather, showcases for a long time: the masks. The secret is not just in realizing the current moment, but will we not create more protective accessories for contagious diseases? Shouldn't industry experts think about how to help the world avoid new pandemics with clothes that we already use regularly in our daily lives? Couldn't fabrics be developed to keep people from getting sick? We are not talking about ending disease, but about protection and prevention mechanisms.

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2. online show

Exploded in this period the number of "lives" or online shows from various segments of music, with collections and donations. Because of the current situation, this is what shakes the weekend for the population in some way. But what about the future? Have artists missed an opportunity in the audience at home? Let's assess the capacity of venues or football stadiums and compare how many people can watch the same show at home. It's possiblecreate, for example, a face-to-face ticket and a lower-priced online ticket. Assess how much we can increase the financial potential of a show.

Read too: 5 actions for after the crisis

3. home office

Much of the population is working from home. Many companies continued to somehow function with the team delivering goals from a distance. Before this period, there was a great fear of home office for lack of control over employees, something that everyone had to face and make the management of how to work – and the worst, in a forced way. And in return, will everyone go back to their routine or will we create something mixed up, some days at the company, others at home? think how much can be saved rent if we have smaller spaces for larger and efficient teams.

4. Distance learning

Surely schools, teachers and students had to adapt to a new reality. Like any new thing, the process requires calm, nothing is right and everything can improve. It is noticeable that the perfect model has not been reached, also because it is a constant evolution. But should education learn from this moment? With the rules of the National Common Curriculum Base (BNCC) and new contents that need to be implemented, can't there be a distance learning job? The expenses of a school can decrease, as it can be apply the same content to multiple classrooms at the same time no reliance on physical space.

See too: 5 important actions to deal with the crisis

5. food

Many say that this market has not been hit as much, as people need to feed and this is a priority. But now think about the number of restaurants that did not have the delivery and, in this period of pandemic, they decided to start. Many restaurants or franchises are experts in this model and earn very well, but what about those who have never thought about it, will they give up online delivery in the future? It is important to do the math, evaluate new rates, changes in the operation, sales strategy, but with certainty the effort made so far cannot be discarded.

By New Educa 

Nova Educa is an educational consultancy focused on developing projects in schools involving Apple Technology, with the implementation of iPads and teacher training. In addition, it also carries out the podcast Nova Educa Debate, with interviews about the educational market and BNCC about entrepreneurship and innovation contents. We will have several consultants collaborating with this column, which will be led by the innovation director, Carlos Coelho, Education enthusiast with experiences in multinational, at Singularity University (California), as a teacher and manager school; and we will have Priscila Coelho, operations director, specialist in educational technology training, creativity and innovation.

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