Demography. Population Geography and Demography


THE demography is the area of ​​knowledge that is concerned with studying behavior, transformations and general dynamics of the population, using mainly statistical elements and surveys qualitative. This branch of knowledge is very close to population geography, which, similarly, is also concerned with population dynamics, emphasizing social issues related to geographic space.

Population is defined as the number of people who inhabit a particular territory or region. Thus, their growth cycles, their average income level, their distribution, among others factors, are of fundamental importance for understanding the functioning of the various aspects of space Social.

One of the most studied demographic elements by Population Geography and Demography is the population growth rate. The accelerated or decelerated growth of populations is something constantly debated and theorized by specialists and theorists in these areas of knowledge. Specifying in detail how this factor works is important for planning public policies and social actions.

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The main Brazilian body for research on population is the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the IBGE. This body performs the Demographic Census, an important and comprehensive way to statistically quantify the most diverse data and information, ranging from the population's income and health to their religious preference.

In this section, texts involving the various demographic themes and concepts are available. related not only to Population Geography, but to various areas of knowledge, such as sociology and economy. We hope to provide a space for reading and discussing themes concerning population dynamics.

Good reading!

By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography

Population dynamics help in understanding society
Population dynamics help in understanding society

question 1

 “The aging process in developed countries took place long after they had acquired high standards of living, with a reduction in social and economic inequalities (…). Social and economic development in North America and Northern and Western Europe was already determined when the demands of an aging society (and even concerns about it) were recognized (...).

No country in Latin America has a similar history and institutional context. On the contrary: in almost all countries, a highly compressed aging process begins to take place in the midst of fragile economies and growing levels of poverty (…)”.

(Adapted from: LEBRÃO, M. L. Aging in Brazil: aspects of the demographic and epidemiological transition. Public Health, vol. 4, No. 017. São Paulo: Editorial Bolina, 2007. p.137).

In view of the aforementioned considerations, it can be concluded that

a) there is a generalized population aging process throughout the world, which is explained by the demographic explosion currently experienced by most countries.

b) the demographic transition does not represent an advance for societies if it is not accompanied by a policy of income distribution and democratization of social structures.

c) the drop in birth rates has become a problem for underdeveloped countries, which have the highest rates of population aging.

d) unlike North America and Europe, Latin America has an average aging of its population, accentuated by the weaknesses of its economies and income levels.

question 2

 “(...) the process of spatial occupation of the Brazilian population, in the last 56 years, was marked by deruralization and the concentration of the population in urban areas. This phenomenon did not occur homogeneously in the national space. Regional differences are strongly associated with differences in timings in which the phenomena occurred in each region, which, in turn, resulted from regional specificities (…)”.

(CAMARANO, A. THE; BELTRÃO, K. I. Spatial distribution of the Brazilian population: changes in the second half of this century. Rio de Janeiro, IPEA, 2000. p.27).

The fragment above describes some points of the Brazilian demographic dynamics in the second half of the 20th century. In this case, the expressions deruralization and concentration of population in urban areas refer, respectively,

a) inter-regional migrations and the expansion of cities.

b) rural exodus and intra-urban migration.

c) the rural exodus and the metropolization process.

d) internal migrations and the beginning of Brazilian urbanization.

e) inter-regional migrations and the metropolization process.

See answer

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