The word crib refers to the place where the cattle are placed when collected, in other words, it refers to the corral. It is also used in Christmas times to reference the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Its origin dates back to the 13th century when St. Francis of Assisi preached on Christmas Eve about the birth of Jesus and with the permission of the Pope decided to set up a In this scenario, this one was made with the image of the baby Jesus in a straw manger surrounded by a live ox and a donkey to make that very important moment real too.
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This staging, which took place in 1223, had strong repercussions throughout the Italian territory and in a short time the European families of the nobility already had a nativity scene set up in their homes.
The nativity scene, years later, was no longer a costly monument and was also made of plastic. Later, they were manufactured with loose parts, thus facilitating the assembly of different events that took place during and shortly after the birth of Jesus.
By Gabriela Cabral
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DANTAS, Gabriela Cabral da Silva. "Nativity Scene"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.