Differences between crocodiles and alligators

Many people don't know how to differentiate alligators and crocodiles, believing that these two names can be used for the same animal. Let's get to know the characteristics and differences of these reptiles?

You alligators are reptiles belonging to Alligatoridae family, they have a short, wide snout, and the teeth are not very long. When the alligator closes its mouth, it is not possible to see any teeth showing, as happens with the crocodile.

In Brazil, there are six species of alligator: Caiman crocodilus, Caiman latirostris, Caiman yacare, Melanosuchus niger, Paleosuchus palpebrosus and Paleosuchus trigonatus. Among these species, the alligator-of-papo-amarelo stand out (caiman latirostris) and the alligator-açu (Melanosuchus niger).

O yellow-breasted alligator it is relatively medium in size and rarely reaches more than three meters in length. It has an olive green coloration, black bands on the dorsal region and a yellowish belly. Their diet is based on the ingestion of snails, fish, birds and small mammals. This animal can be found from Rio Grande do Norte to Rio Grande do Sul.

The alligator-of-papo-yellow alligator has a yellowish belly
The alligator-of-papo-yellow alligator has a yellowish belly

O alligator-açu it stands out for its size, as it can reach up to six meters in length and weigh up to 300 kilos. It has a black color with yellowish stripes and usually eats fish, birds and crabs. It is found in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana and Peru.

You crocodiles are reptiles of Crocodylid family which have a more tapered and elongated snout than that of alligators. They have long straight teeth that can be seen even when they close their mouths. On the tongue of crocodiles, it is possible to notice the presence of glands that help to excrete salt, a characteristic not seen in alligators.

Crocodiles are reptiles that reach large sizes, unlike alligators. The saltwater crocodile, for example, which is over 8.5 meters long and can reach over 1.5 tons. É It is important to highlight that there are no crocodiles in Brazil.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/diferencas-entre-crocodilos-jacares.htm

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