Five contact-borne diseases

Many diseases are transmitted by contact with the sick person or their secretions. Contact transmission types can be direct or indirect:

  • Direct contact: it is the transmission that occurs with contact with the body surface of an infected person. It happens from person to person and does not involve any intermediary objects. Direct contact can therefore be by touching, kissing or sexual intercourse.

  • Indirect contact: this transmission consists in the transfer of the microorganism causing the disease via some object that was contaminated by the patient. Those objects that are capable of transporting the disease-causing agent from one individual to another are called fomites.

Next, we list five diseases that are transmitted by contact.:

1. Conjunctivitis

THE conjunctivitis it is an inflammation of the conjunctiva and can be infectious, allergic, or irritating. The most common type is viral conjunctivitis, which is easily contagious. It is transmitted by direct contact with an infected person or by sharing personal items such as eye drops and beauty products. To prevent this type of contagious conjunctivitis, it is recommended to always wash your hands, not share personal items and avoid large crowding of people.

2. Scabies or scabies

Scabies, or scabies, is a skin disease that causes a lot of itchiness and is caused by a mite, the Sarcopts scabiei var. Hominis. Its transmission occurs through prolonged skin contact with the infected individual, for example, during sexual intercourse, or through fomites, such as bed linen and towels. In this case, it is recommended to avoid contact with sick people and their personal objects.

3. pediculosis

THE pediculosis it is nothing more than a louse infestation and is characterized by itching in the scalp region because of the body's reaction to the louse's food. Transmission occurs through direct contact, in proximity to the head of another infected person, or even through the use of personal objects such as combs, caps and helmets. It is important to emphasize that the louse is not able to fly, therefore, there must be close contact for transmission to take place.

4. Herpes simplex

Infection by herpes Simple virus is related to the appearance of lesions in the membrane, mucosa and skin around the mouth and genitalia. The virus is transmitted by intimate contact with the patient, from the muse or lesion. Transmission by fomites is rare.

5. had of the body

The tinea corporis, or corporeal tinea, is a ringworm that compromises the epidermis of the face, trunk and limbs, causing the appearance of reddish and scaly lesions that usually cause itching. Its transmission occurs through direct contact with infected animals and people or through contaminated personal objects.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -

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